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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clip of the Day, October 7, 2010

Marty, Marty, Marty. She's awesome. More of her testimony...and reactions.

He just changed. He became completely different. This is the ep where I start my side campaign to prove, with evidence, that the DID story was REAL and that Todd was not faking it entirely. He became a different person....hmm. Pete anyone?

OOOh Jason Webb, he wants to KILL Todd, you can see it. He's great. Suede looks like he needs Pepto Bismal. Please. Todd almost looks sick....! I love when Hank goes at Nora in this scene. It's one of the only eps where he comes out looking ahead of the game. Marty's testimony is so amazing, there's nothing like it. She's so convincing and real. Powell is crawling out of his own skin.....Rachel is sad, Carol is bawling, Jason is seething, Hank is getting strong....look at all of these actors!!! Look at this cast. Can there be anything better?

Luna makes her first Not sure about these country bumpkin types on OLTL.

FAIL: Suede, again, I am sorry, he looks like a baby who has poop in his diaper.

Question of the Day: Which cast was stronger, the one today currently on OLTL or the cast of 1993? Explain!


  1. well, I've got some major catching up to do on COTDs and I will try and get some knocked out here in a little bit, but I had to at least chime in on the QOTD...I couldn't wait to answer that.....

    Hands down...there is no doubt in my mind that the cast of 1993 was much much stronger!!!!

    now that being said I Think KDP is also killer so I want it to be known that I am including her in the 1993 cast (even though she didn't get there till the very end of the year).

    however I don't think it's quite right to not mention that the writing back then was also top notch.

  2. @Precious - "Hands down...there is no doubt in my mind that the cast of 1993 was much much stronger!!!!"

    I LOVE YOUR COMMENT and YES YES YES it is TRUE, and it does include KDP....

    The writing, I could write volumes about!

  3. @Precious & Kim: I agree that the 1993 cast and writing was much stronger than it is now. Some of that cast are still on and still great but I think the writing doesn't do them justice. Also they are rarely in main storylines. The actors and actresses I am speaking of are: Erika Slezak, Robin Strasser, Bob Woods, and Hillary B. Smith. I am a huge Bo and Nora fan and would love to see them having fun and being silly like they used to be.

  4. AlexElizabeth10/7/10, 10:55 PM

    The cast of 1993 was definitely stronger. Pretty much everyone was top notch. Now our screens are being graced with the likes of the shirtless Ford brothers, Brandon Buddy, and Farah Fath. Enough said LOL.

    And you're right, Suede does look like a poopy baby. What a great description of that awful, awful character. God, Suede and Luna are the WORST. What was OLTL thinking?

  5. @ellen - possibly if RH returns, these other characters will get a chance to be at the front burner a while? This 1993 cast was phenomenal.

    @AlexE - poopy baby. LOL, I love it. And yes, awful character. I also did not like Luna, most people don't....I don't know what OLTL was thinking but Marty seemed to get these country types.

  6. @AlexE - I remember Luna. She was married to Max. But I do not remember Suede.

  7. Ok I know I still haven't gotten a reg video comment up yet, but I had to pop back in and say...okay I'll give y'all Suede...I mean I thought he was kind of seet and cute in a way, but please... please no Luna bashing? lol I know a lot of people didn't seem to like her, but I loved Luna! okay /end pout. lol

  8. @Precious...I loved Luna too! She was very sweet and she was a psychic which was alot of fun.

  9. @ellen...oh cool! I'm glad to see another Luna fan around! :) yea I thought she was sweet too and I loved her psychic and new ageyness :)

  10. @Ellen and Precious - ok, ok, you two have your LUNA fun but about her, I'm with Todd.

  11. @Kim :-P plllllllllllll lol couldn't stop myself. hehe

  12. @Precious - Looney Tunes. LOL

  13. @Precious - I remember being very upset when they killed Luna off. Another character I was extremely upset over when they killed her off was Samantha.

    @Kim - But none compare to RH leaving the show. That was the worst ever and now that we have a tease that he might be coming back it is becoming unbareable.

  14. @Ellen....I have to say that even though I could not stand Looney Tunes (as Todd called her), I WAS SO MOVED by her deathbed scenes. Wow. THe cast rose to the occasion, including KDP and JDP. Wow. That is all I can say.


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