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Monday, October 11, 2010


Every time I spot and create a screenshot like this one, I ask, does Roger REALIZE how completely beautiful he is?

He is beautiful. There's no other word for it. He has the best face and it's the most expressive one ever. Another reason we want RH back on OLTL.

I am going to make a DOES HE REALIZE series, just for those shots that make me ask that question!


  1. @Kim, you are right. The best word to describe him is beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful man.

  2. @Ellen, He does not matter how many times I watch his scenes, he's just absolutely beautiful....I find his face angelic at times and I am not sure Roger realizes (lol) how much his face really does.

  3. @Kim, My guess is as an actor (an excellent one at that) he is aware of his facial expressions. But I wonder if he knows how beautiful he is. I've said this before, I don't know how ATWT fans didn't think of him as the best looking man on that show. I don't remember who they voted for last year but it was some short haired someone.

  4. LOL Ellen, I don't think he knows how much I swoon when I see his face....LOL. He's just so perfect. I agree that he does not realize how beautiful he is to other people. If he did, he'd be really arrogant and nasty, like some other stars.

  5. @Kim, very true he's not arrogant and nasty like some other stars. He's a really sweet guy. I swoon when I see his face too.

  6. @Ellen, have you met him? I wonder what he is like in person. I'd never find out, because if I met him, I'd collapse on the floor and he'd have to walk away.

  7. @Kim, Oh my no! I would have told you if I met him. I saw someone interview him once at "Live at the Daytime Emmys" and I know when he accepted his emmy years before that he was extremely nice and humble.

  8. Ok, I was going to be very jealous of you.

  9. This is my avi pic I want!!!!! LOL

  10. this is totally gorgeous - what would you like it to say?

  11. can it say some like "the one and only.....Todd".....or something like that?

  12. I am sending it to you...let me know what you think!


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