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Monday, October 11, 2010

Screen Mania Round 2

Ok, what scene is this from? I will post the answer by 9:00 p.m. EST if no one chimes in before then. HURRY UP EVERYONE, beat Bjuju to the punch!!



  1. LOL.......I gotta think about this one!!!! I definitely have the story, but I don't know exactly what scene.....Ill see what everyone else comes up with before I chime in! These are great Kim.......great idea!!!!!!!

  2. OK, it was when he was shot and getting sick and needing antibiotics!!!! LOL He has that sick look in his eyes and his hair looked all sweaty and that's the coat he had on.....still can't quite figure out if this pic is a scene with Rebecca or with Marty in the Tabernacle.....hmm.... The lighting on the wall in the background makes me think the Tabernacle so Ill go with him and Marty in the Tabernacle when he was terrorizing her there, before he killed Suede??

  3. OH WOW, you were SO CLOSE but......not 100% correct. LOL. It is harder than it seems, eh? I hope that when this round is over, you will do it so I can try too.

    Anyway, thats wrong but you have 14 minutes to try and get it right if you want to repost.

  4. Ok, well it's definitely after he's been shot and is sick.....and that shirt is the shirt he has on when he and Rebecca go on the is much harder then it seems......and I will do it for you because it is kinda fun!!!!!! Im trying to place that look on his face.....who he would be talking to......OK, is it Rebecca after he wakes up from dreaming and he talks about "getting them all"?? LOL I love that scene by the way.....he totally gave himself away on that one! LOL

  5. Ok you win JUJU - again!
    Right before he stands up and a gun falls on the ground.

  6. So it is when he talks to Rebecca right after he got the gun!!!!! LOL I thought he kinda had that "rebecca" look on his face, like he had been caught by her!!!!!!! We really need to get more people guessing on's pretty fun even if they don't really know.....they just need to try it.....we need to do some recruiting for this one, it's too fun!

  7. I know....I need help with the recruitment. I've talked to a few and .... it seems futile, maybe they just don't know me well enough or don't realize what stuff we have going on here, either way, I am with you, I want to get this going and get more traffic. :D would you be willing to run this game next time so I can play???? You can do a great job with it. Start collecting up 10 screencaps now, I can even POST them for you, but I would be able to guess too because I did not extract them.


    Any vids????

  8. No vids for a few days....I have to convert tonite and then it takes a couple of days. Yeah, I will do it.......I just have to figure out how to get screen you just stop it and right click or something like that?

  9. Ok....thanks for the hard work on the vids. At least I can rewatch! LOL

    As for screencaps, watch a vid, find a beautiful face shot with a subtle hint in there somewhere, pause the vid where you want it. Click FN and print screen or just print screen. Open an editor program, and paste what you copied. Then save as you like. I save as png. It works best.



Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.