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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Question of the Day

from October 13:

What scenes during Roger's stories would you submit for an Emmy consideration if he were able to just receive one for all of his past work? Pretend that you can submit four or five scenes/stories to the "board" on his behalf. Explain why you chose these! This should make for interesting talk!


  1. Therapy scene and following. The scene where Todd is questioned as to WHY he raped Marty, and the aftermath, when he breaks down with Rebecca. I think I totally fell in love with him to the point of no return during this time period and somewhat before. Prior, I was always fighting my adoration.
  2. Marty, I was a monster. Nothing compares to this scene, for both he and Susan, in my opinion. Not only is the story amazing, and the lines, but the nuances between them are undeniable (not romantically) and powerful. He does not care HOW HE LOOKS, but he still LOOKS UNBELIEVABLE even when he's crying.
  3. You have no idea how much I hate you. This is the line that stands out for me (along with the look, during "the belt scene" as Juju and her followers call it, including me!
  4. The scene with Sam in the Cabana. I will NEVER get over what his FACE does in this scene to let us know what is going on inside him. Perfect.
  5. During the DID Storyline trial He makes us all believe, which I still do, that he's mentally ill and has different personalities living inside him with his testimony as Tom, Rodd, Ms. Perkins, and finally, horrific Pete.


  1. It's sick how he didn't win an Emmy for the DID SL. No one could have done the job he did. What went down at OLTL that it didn't happen is beyond me. I have to go back and look for some specific scenes of his.

    OT, but still fresh in my mind are his scenes with KMH on ATWT that should be his Emmy reel for next year, even though I know they won't even bother.

  2. Emmy worthy scenes for RH to me are of course the scenes he won it for......the courtroom scenes on the stand.....just brilliant......perfect Fratboy to gang rapists .......all the subtle changes his and calm to exploding rage....great stuff.

    The next scene that I just think SCREAMS emmy is his jail scene when he confronts Marty about being his alibi for the hospital rapes........the "vengence is mine sayeth Marty" scene! When he breaks it down to Marty that if she lies the rapist will go one to those women "what I did to you". And he gives Marty this "up and down" look when he says "when he gags her and rapes her......can you live with that Marty"......watched the scene a hundred times and shiver everytime I watch it.....RH and SH are nails in that clip.....and on a totally twisted note his voice is so incredible sexy during this scene!!!!!! LOL

    And finally his "on the stand" scene during the DID trial.....when he goes through his "people" and at the end Pete comes out and grabs Hank by the collar.......great stuff! In fact, the whole entire DID story could be submitted!!!! It was the biggest joke that he did win an Emmy for this story.......complete joke!

  3. Honorable mentions for the Emmy scenes is "The Belt Scene"......just incredible scary how evil he becomes when he finds out how Blair betrayed him.....the music and the scene when he is slowly walking up the stairs......and then the after math when he is talking to Marty in the alley (where he tried to rape her) and asks Marty....."cmon Marty, what's the worst thing I could have done to I didn't.......BUT I WANTED TO"!!!!!!! I could go on forever about these scenes!!!! LOL Gotta mention.....all these scenes.......notice how incredible the writing is for them also????? Where is that writing today?

  4. Hey, we almost had the a few of the same scenes for this Emmy thing. LOL. The Belt Scene (as you coined it) is one of the most amazing and affecting times in Todd's life, I believe it's a huge turnaround for him as a character, actually.

    The Marty alibi one is also very good....I get chills when he talks too, he's an amazing actor but he's also as sexy as hell.

    I am surprised you didn't choose Marty Monster, but variety is good!!!!

  5. Doing this and just keeping it to 2 or 3 scenes was hard.....because I easily could have listed 10 and then thought a little more and listed 10 more!!!!! LOL The Monster scene is definitely up there and so are the cabana scenes, the "I hate you" Todd and Marty jail scenes, the therapy scene with Ray where at the end he says he hates himself, the airplane scene at the end of the did story with "himselves".......see on and on!!!!!! LOL

  6. Wonder what he put up for his supporting actor nomination in 1995 I think it was?
    He also was prenominated in 2003 or was it 2002 according to his bio page on SOC.

  7. I know I am nuts, but he's beautiful even when he's evil. I cannot help it.

  8. @Kim, you're not nuts. I think so too. He's always beautiful.

  9. @Ellen, WHEW! I can REST EASY!


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