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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Screan Mania Series 2, Round 1

Hello to all my fellow RH fans! I am here this evening to bring you the beginning of Series 2, Round 1 of Screen Mania. I hope you enjoy it...Remember, no cheating and post in first to win. :D

Screencap by PRECIOUS THINGS who is having COMPUTER ISSUES...and you thought KIM was mean? Uh, just wait!!!


  1. Sitting on the steps in the penthouse during the "belt scene"......when he is talking all that crap to Blair.....laughing saying oh you made me look like such a punk......or something like that!!!!!!! Am I close?????

  2. I can only place the era. That the Blair one, for sure. Not sure where the heck it is, could be staircase, could be jail? Ugh, I dunno. This is HARD.

  3. It is hard isn't it Kim.....especially when it's cut down to just Todd's face. But I think this is a pretty distinct face from one of my top three scenes......I think that clip is imbedded in my brain........but I could be wrong!!!!! LOL

  4. I have no clue, he looks vampirish LOL

  5. I had the same thought when I saw this pic.....and you know how much I love my vampires!!!!! LOL

  6. You are probably right Juju.....I couldn't place it all at first but now, the bars are the only thing I can see and they look like that staircase, so you probably win again!

  7. hey everyone...I'm so very sorry about the delay! I was tied up till really late helping a friend paint the inside of a house and by the time I got home and had dinner (around 11ish) I was so tired I couldn't get online. I will try and make sure this never happens again.

    the winner of this round is...Juju..this is Todd sitting on the stairs talking to Blair in the Belt Scene.

    To try and get back on track I will have round 2 ready to post this evening at the correct time.

    Again, I am very sorry for making everyone wait.

  8. Yay!!!!!! I was pretty sure that was that face from that scene!!!!! Thanks for doing these Precious!!!!!! I know real life gets in the way of my Todd life too.......darn it!!!!!

  9. Thank GOD you are ok! I started to really worry! Glad you're safe!



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