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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Screen Mania, Round 10

I bet you are all saying, I can't wait for Kim's turn to be over. Hers are TOO HARD. Sorry! I mean that, I will go easier next time.

Here's Round 10:

Ok, what time period is this and who else is in the scene?

This one should be easier. Does not need dates, just needs a description of what story or era it was and an extra point for who else is in the scene.

Be the first to post in with the correct answer before tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. EST. No cheating and have fun guessing!

Please check THIS POST with help for the next round so I can play.


Ok, the answer to this was Juju's. She was right, Tea is in the scene, and so is Blair. Juju is also the WINNER of this Series! YAY! Ok Juju, just give me a description for what you'd like on your avatar! :D

Meanwhile, I need everyone to please consider doing the screencaps and running this game for Series 2, so I can join in this time. Please email me if you're interested at


  1. Well it looks like the same kinda look he has now in my vids Im doing. He is in the penthouse by the steps......and Ill guess that he is talking to Tea about his arrangement for her (unless you're only using my vids and then it couldn't be that one and in that case I want to reguess!!!! LOL)

  2. I used your edits the whole time except this one. :D

  3. I thought this one was past where my vids are!!!!! LOL

  4. Ok time for this answer to be revealed!! :D

  5. Can it be any pic? I should look through you RH pics on here.....there is some good ones! Then I get to use it on here right.....because I need one for here. I am working on vids tonite.....trying to get a few more done, then I can mess and see if I can figure out the screencaps to do the next round if you want

  6. `You can choose any face of him you want, it can be one I have already done, or not. I would be glad to.

    Second, IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THE VIDS TONIGHT I am going to be SO GRATEFUL...I love this story we're in. Thank you!

    I'd love if you did the screencap game next. Just let me know if you think you can do ten screencaps and then you can either post them yourself in game format, or send them to me and I can post them in, and you can reveal the answers, etc.



Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.