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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Clip of the Day, Oct. 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Grammie who is 89 today. Wow. Here's today's clip - love the acting in these stories. Commentary to follow.

When they start to talk about Powell's family, my heart does break a teeny bit. The fact that he never told his parents says a lot about what he was thinking...and the time - PURE GUILT. He did not want his parents involved. I can imagine that. "I love my mom so much." Sean M. does do a great job here. I just can't stand the CHARACTER. But, the actor does a fantastic job, as all of them did throughout - Marty, Todd, Zach, Jason, Kevin, Rachel....all of the younger set was dynamic then....unlike today.

His voice cracks SO WELL. Roger's also does, but, Sean's is perfect in this scene. Nora also, "please Powell." She looks like she is going to have a breakdown and basically does. Marty even has hope he's going to tell, and so did I when I saw this story. When he says "no" she just about melts into pieces. She almost collapses. It is like, right then, she knew what she had to do and was not really ready to face it. She really believed she could break him, and she almost did. Now, she has to count on Hank do to the deed. Todd is starting to hate her more and more.

When Todd accosts her, "sweet, tortured boy," "there's not a thing you can do about it," he's really showing himself....and it will get worse, she just has no idea how deep his vengeance will go.

The scene at Roadies (sp) is just typical....of Toddness. Powell is SO COMPLETELY UNHINGED. There's Zach, only concerned how we they will get away with it. Powell brings up Carol Swift and Zach sees it as not another travesty, but as another roadblock and nothing more. Powell sees it as something sick; at this point, he is a mess over this. His voice is quavering all over the place. The comparison between Todd and Powell at this point is really making the viewer's mind reel. I personally always felt bad for Todd, and could read into his life based on the short scenes with Peter and other things about his demeanor.

FAIL: I might be the only one, but I was never a big fan of Hank. I mean, the actor did not always delivery his lines the way I'd hope they would be delivered, and his presence in Roadies' with the suit on is just...I don't know, doesn't work that well. I liked Sheila listening in, but....not too sure about Hank. I think he aggravated me sometimes, and still does. Lets just say not my fave of all the actors....but I loved his brother! ;D Maybe I like those bad guys, ya think?

Well, Sound off! See yah later. Hope to run into you on the blog at TRTM Chatbox. Boo!

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