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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Screen Mania Round 5

Ok, another Screen Mania entry. This one is due up at 9:00 p.m. EST tomorrow, October 13.

Remember, post in first, AT LEAST TRY AND GUESS! If you're correct, you are awarded a point. No cheating with vids or other helpers. Have fun!

What scene is this???

The answer to this one is . . . drumroll please. . .
Blair and Todd go to Andrew and Cassie's house to ask Andrew to marry them. This is during Cassie's speech about "faith."

Better luck next time. New one posted soon.


  1. Man I wish I knew which couch pattern that was.......undid tie.......Im thinking it's maybe from Marty's house by the fireplace....looks like he's sitting in front of the couch and his hair looks wet again. The lighting looks wrong though....looks like too much light. But what the heck.....Ill say it's from Todd and Marty's nite together when they had their talk by her fireplace.

  2. well, I don't know the answer :( lol but i know it's not that one...i don't know who's sofa or maybe it's a wing back chair? *shrug* looks like a pattern that either vicki or dorian would have (my guess is vicki) but i'm just messing around as I have no idea what so ever. lol I'm just now gettin a chance to log in, so I wanted to at least make some kind of post before bed. lol

  3. I just love this. Answers and who is right, if anyone, revealed later.

  4. Hey guys still time to guess or modify guesses....we have until 9:00 p.m. EST


Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.