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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Screen Mania Series 4, Round 1

I can't seem to help myself!

Identify this by 9:00 EST Nov. 11, today! Sorry it's late.

Where is he? Who is he talking to?


  1. looks like the Todd and Marty scene in front of the fire........where Todd is telling Marty for one glimmering moment.........when he is talking about he and Blair being happy??

  2. Ok....thanks for the guess! Anyone can guess or reguess until 9:00 EST - so please do!!!


  3. Well...the reveal is here. This is TODD of course, on the roof when Blair is crying and he tells her not to jump, that she'll go to any lengths to win the Most Pathetic Contest.


    No winner here, back to our next edition!


Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.