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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Screen Mania, Series 4, Round 4

Another screen mania game entry.  Just want to tell you all that ONE of the entries in this series is NOT from JUJU's edits, but I won't say which one.  It's going to appear sometime later in this series.  :D

Where is he and who is he talking to?
No cheating, be back with answers before 9:00 EST tomorrow.



  1. Wow, I was way off on the last
    Let's try again...He's in Llanfairs attic & Viki is introducing him to baby Starr?

  2. Hmm thanks for the guess. Closer to the deadline tonight, I will definitely reveal! :D

  3. Yep that is definitely the scene Gem.....don't know exactly if it's being introduced to Starr.......hhhhhhmmmmm Ill say in Vikis attic contemplating leaving before he meets Starr.

  4. Love this competetive spirit

  5. The reveal is in about 45 minutes, so.....any last guesses should be made soon!

  6. Juju was right, exactly, he had not met his daughter yet in this scene!


    JUJU = 2

    GEM, don't give up! You were REALLY CLOSE ON THIS ONE!!

    The next one is even easier!


Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.