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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Clip of the Day, Nov. 14, 2010

Here's another clip from The Scar story. Zach is really trying to keep Powell quiet!

Well, Zach attacks. Trying to get Powell to be quiet is not always so hard, though. He and Max are in a tug of war. I just get amazed more and more when I see how all of the players could interact and put the energy required out there. OLTL was truly great during these stories. I favor GH during the 80s and definitely OLTL during the 90s. And actors like these are why. First, James DePaiva was SUCH a find for OLTL and his work was always great. Of course, Erika and Roger top them all. Erika did major groundbreaking work in the 90s, and so did our man. Even smaller-level players like the actress that played upcoming Rebecca and the actor that played Zach had us completely in their palms. What a great place to be.

This scene between Max and Zach is a perfect example of what I mean. Both of them are great in this scene. Pansy Powell just looks on as these two men battle it out for rights over his mouth. LOL. Powell is shattering, and Max is about to shatter Zach against the wall. Strong performances from all of them. This is a bit of a turning point, because as he decides, slowly, to go against Todd, the whole situation starts to unravel, and we go toward the best part of Roger's early work....JAIL and BEYOND and REBECCA, of course.

Max is really fighting for his woman! And Powell is fighting LIKE a woman. So it works. Zach finally gives up, kind of, and goes off somewhere.....Nora and Sheila are waiting for news on Todd...and we're without him again for another ep. Luna, heads in to Todd's room to talk to him????

FAIL: Luna, who was just arrested for injuring Todd, can walk into his hospital room without anyone noticing. And Luna, who cannot stand Todd, just decides to go for a visit right after his major surgery.

Sound off guys. Sick of my own voice.


  1. Well I love the sound of your voice on these kim!!!!! LOL

    I TOTALLY LOVE Zach in this is really about the first time we see Zach show his own set of you-know-whats without Todd being there as his back up.....he's really speaking from the gut here about being scared to death about going to's not about being Todd's groupie and looking out for him, it's all about trying to save himself. The actor really does a great job in this scene......make you wanna know what he could have pulled off as his own character instead of Todd's wingman, because he was REALLY good in this.

    Luna, I just can't stomach.....even in this story I can't muster up any sympathy for her....she always rubbed me the wrong way.

    Another little thing I noticed....the convo Nora and Sheila are having we catch in the middle but Sheila is telling Nora to talk to a doctor and Nora says just thinking about that gives her a headache.....this was the very beginning of Nora's story and her blindness that we see when Todd stalks her!

  2. First thanks for the support and second, you remind me that Nora is getting sick! I forgot that!


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