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Search The Real Todd Manning

Friday, December 31, 2010

Word Cloud for TRTM - another MUST SEE/READ

I know this will seem silly at first, but....every once in a while, at a special date or milestone, I will be creating one of these. It's a slice of the life of "Todd" as created by Roger Howarth, in the words of the posters here.

When viewing this, you can easily see what things "made up" Todd during a specific stage of his life. So this piece of word art will cover the trial through episode 111, that we are seeing today, right before he makes his actual escape.

If you really look at it, (click to view larger) it tells exactly what was important in the story/life of Todd Manning up to this point where he is about to leave Statesville via escape.  I love how it RANDOMLY placed him in the center.  The size of each word represents how much that word is mentioned in the discussions about him.  Look which other character is the largest!

By the time we finish viewing Todd's life, the word cloud will be changed, and will show us a final representation of the character. Pretty neat, eh? Feel free to comment on what you see.  Compare with the first, original word cloud from August 25, 2010

Enjoy. I cannot wait to travel the rest of this journey into 2011 with all of you!!

Another version!

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