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Friday, December 31, 2010

Clip of the Day, Dec. 31, 2010

2010 is behind us. In the world of OLTL, that can only be a good thing. I do have to say, watching the NYE clip this week, the show is NOT what it used to be. It does sadden me. But....onto the best of the best!

GAG. Powell tries to counsel Todd. This is almost unbearable for us to watch KNOWING what comes later. "Goody Two Shoes"

"What are you my therapist?"

"All I know is you need some help."

"I'm not crazy!"

This rivalry was perfectly done, on so many levels. Oh, and Hedy is in this clip. That nurse is HEDDY from the 2003 story only ten years earlier.....famous character actress!

Rebecca insists to see Todd. Todd fakes being attacked by Powell (LOL). This whole clip is funny if you think about it. Lots of unintentional humor. How does Powell think he will never have to deal with Todd ever again? Ha ha!

Rebecca's meeting with Todd: he becomes that little lamb that we love. LOL. He tried to escape because the prisoners starting picking on him. LOL. I am sorry, this is kind of funny, and Rebecca is so gullible here. I do like that later, she starts to really see him for what and who he is. But for now, what a maroon!

As for Roger, he just switches from that dreamy-eyed lamb of God to the vile, vicious person that Todd is now with seamless perfection, just as he did during the DID story. Roger's acting is showing. No WONDER he won that award so early in his career!

FAIL: "Oh for heaven's sake you have ten minutes!" LOL. Yeah. a prison nurse is going to let someone visit him like that out of the blue! How did she GET IN???? OLTL even though all these little problems came up along the way, I LOVED YOU so MUCH BACK THEN!

Sound off.


  1. Boy ...I not sure where to start...Todd is plain despicable right now...Although his reaction to Powell is certainly justified. Powell garnered all that sympathy when he tried to kill himself because he felt guilty. but Powell refuses to see Todd as anything but the Source of his guilt and Powell hates that guilt so he hates Todd..I think Powell believes he's sincere when he comes to Todd and is trying to make Todd see reason but I think it's more about easing his conscience for not turning a blind eye to Todd's escape attempt..Powell was trying to save his butt more than Todd's...Powell was maintaining the image he had worked so hard for, that of a model when Jerry put him in charge of keeping an eye on Todd, Powell had to stop Todd's flight .And of course he was rewarded.
    On the other side of the coin we have Todd who blames Powell as much as Powell blames him. Todd's conceptions of being hated are not delusions he is very aware that he really doesn't stand much of a chance of surviving if he remains in prison so he only see the one way out...He's not crazy crazy ...he's crazy smart..To him the only avenue out is risky but worth it...So he prepares for the overdose but as luck would have it he gets one more chance to stick it to Powell by making it look like Powell might have been attacking him. The occasion is all the sweeter because Rebecca sees it and because she just came from a confrontation with Jason and Marty it's easy to understand Todd's claim that Powell attacked him.. POOR TODD like I said at the beginning DESPICABLE.

  2. ToddManning939412/31/10, 11:17 PM

    The line's already blurred somewhat between Powell and Todd. Powell's "goody two shoes" routine in prison didn't go over with me, and I suspect that was true for many of the viewers as well. Todd and Zach are the only ones who call Powell on his BS, giving them some legitimacy as insightful characters. The stage is already being set for Todd and Powell to switch sides.

  3. Great comment - and true! Setting that stage that we love to watch so much!


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