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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Clip of the Day, Jan. 1, 2011

Wow, 2011.  The Year of the Admission of Guilt of the Podvodnik, and the Return of the Puvodni - At least we hope.

Here's The Puvodni, looking amazing I must say. Of course, he's not THE MOST AMAZING I've ever seen but he's still deadly attractive. Todd has a plan and this time, I predict (lol) it's going to work. He's taken a large amount of pills and now needs medical attention. What a difference from, say, the guy who kisses Rebecca's forehead in the cabin. Or, the guy who says "vengeance is mine sayeth Marty." This is one character who truly DOES evolve and grow over time, because Roger makes him do so.

He did not CARE, that Todd, whether this trick took his life or not. It's clear he was willing to take that chance. Powell is going to be released...THAT VERY DAY, as Todd is sent to the hospital. The parallels here are stunning. Soon, things will swirl and move until places are switched. The whole Powell thing is a little sickening but has to be there.

"I hate to think of Todd, he was always so strong and sure of everything, you know?" Zach sums up how Todd was to them BEFORE the rape here. When I hear that, I feel like it is a reminder that he's NOT that strong and NOT that sure of everything and that their impression of him is now faulted. His life is taking a negative turn here, which can lead into a downward spiral or to Rebecca, and ultimately, acceptance of his wrongs. Of course, he goes down pretty far first, but the love of Rebecca somehow guides him upward and away.....slowly but surely.

At times, I don't even see Todd as an antihero. I see him more as someone to be pitied, a character that brings sympathy, and it begins developing throughout the "on the run" story, through the garden shed and onward throughout his life. He's not totally evil, so you have to love him. And later, you realize he's not EVIL at all, just "a man who has gone very wrong" as Luna put it. And even when he tries to right these wrongs, he ends up doing wrong again, because he's ILL. He's not well. And over time, you find out not only that he is not well, but that he has very good reason to be. He is not a villain because he is not inherently evil. He is not a sociopath, because he has remorse, eventually. He is not a demon, because he is human.

Just a man who has gone very wrong. I never thought I'd care about a thing Luna has said,'s perfect. He also is a man who can go very right, and sometimes does. He's a human, whose character has extremes larger than a typical person, like most soap characters. However, Todd became ICONIC because of these wrongs and these rights and how polarized they continued to be over time. He escapes, but he's sick and tortured. He kills someone but doesn't intend to. He takes a hostage but falls in love with her and she with him. He wants to be with his love and stop hurting people but he can't. And later, he wants to be a family man but does things to hurt his own family. It's constant push and pull. And it is what makes us LOVE him. He's human like us. He makes happinesses and mistakes, like us, but exaggerated for dramatic appeal. And with Roger at the helm, there was NO STOPPING THIS MAN.

The Puvodni. Preceding all others in time; first. Not derived from something else; fresh and unusual: Showing a marked departure from previous practice; new: not an adaptation. That, is The Real Todd Manning.

FAIL: The warden makes Zach see Powell leave and rubs his nose in it? Uh ok. A patient who has ingested 15 lithiums is going to overtake an ambulance guy in the next clip????

Sound off!

1 comment:

  1. Right now Todd is going to go through some of the toughest months of his life ..he will come out of them a changed man although not necessarily stronger.... In fact in the process of growing Todd is going to find his weaknesses and fears sometime overtake him those same fears will rule his actions for a long time...Again I marvel at the writers some times; do they really expect us to believe that a man who just the day before knocked himself senseless and then proceeded to down 15 Lithium pills would be able to even move much less have the strength to escape a moving ambulance especially one under a siren becuse he was supposed to be dying...Talk about suspending belief. They were all about drama not to mention they seem to like to endow their characters with almost godlike powers look how many have died and returned. Todd alone has done it several times.


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