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Search The Real Todd Manning

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ok what are the latest goings on at The Real Todd Manning?

Current Clip of the Day

New MVID - Changing Faces (if you have not seen, please watch and comment!)

More fantasy scenes!

On another note, there was an exact tie in our 12 Days of Toddness Screen Mania Gamia. I forgot about mentioning it! Both RKarena and Jujubee had 36 total points. I was going to do a round of "tie breaker" but instead, I am going to give both players the $10 gift card. So, ladies, check your emails!

RECRUITING: Someone to do the next Screen Mania Gamia so I can playnia. Please, anyone? I can teach you how to do the screencapping so easily if interested. Be careful, once you are a capper, you are ALWAYS a capper and it's addicting. Everytime you see a great face of his, you'll be capping away!

Our first GROUP THREAD at SOC - Who Wants to See The Puvodni Back at One Life To Live? (thanks Ellen)

Check your emails for updates on the picasa photos. All of you have a special link to receive updates and access to the picture gallery. Tons of caps!

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