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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Clip of the Day, January 2, 2011

Ok here's a BIG ONE for suspension of disbelief! Still gotta love our Todd.

He TALKS himself out of being overdosed on Lithium. At first, he's too weak to lift his hand. The next thing you know, he magically has a flashlight that he uses to knock out the ambulance guy! LOL! This is NOT a poster scene or public service announcement for EMTs everywhere.

Meanwhile, Powell is HOME. Nora is "glad to see you" and here he is, home free. Pansy.

"Todd Manning escaped on account of your lousy judgement." Huh?

"What was I supposed to do, let him die?"

"That was one option."

He was going to DIE but had the wherewithall to jump from an ambulance? This is what I loved about the 80s and 90s on soaps. ANYTHING went. The crazier and more unlikely, the better. Actually, think about it, that's like real life in a way, you never know what you are going to get.

OMG I just LOVE when he is on the run. I love it. It's some of my favorite Todd scenes, especially the alone ones.

"Hell. I'm in Hell." Chuckle. LOVE THIS GUY.

EEEEW Nora and Powell hug? I forgot that. Yuckers.

Powell stops him from escaping and gets less time. Zach tries to help them find Todd and gets nothing. Of course. In fact, he ends up getting the most time of all three.

"Pain will wake you up." Ok, this is just WAY OVER THE TOP, but you HAVE TO LOVE IT. He's totally nuts at this point. The most vile, the most nasty, the most screwed up, and we're still watching. Roger, I have to hand it to you. At a young age, you were doing incredible things in creating this character. In fact, during these scenes, you were only 25 years old. 25!

Now that he's 42, imagine what he could do with some powerful scenes regarding his return, and his therapy, and his bitterness toward the world.

FAIL: Lots about this story. The biggest one is that HUG. Yuck.

Sound off.


  1. First off the suspension of belief is over the top on this scene first most people on gurneys are strapped in and even if you thought the prisoner was too weak to do anything ; heck you even sent a guard with him ; Don't you think you should have strapped him down....PLEASE. So we're supposed to believe that Todd survived jumping out of a moving Ambulance unharmed except for the drugs in his system..Man we must be the ones on drugs because we sat there watching and saying from our seats go Todd. Powell's visit to Nora "His surregate mother" was a little contrived but it served to bring Nora up to date on Todd's Actions...I found it interesting and I never noticed before but this one time Nora was actually a little sympathetic towards Todd . I love the way a small town DA was able to lambast the Warden of a State Penitentiary as if he was talking to a lesser Attorney . and I agree wholeheartedly that Zach got a raw deal. He worked with the system helped both Hank and Nora and Powell later down the line but still ended doing the whole sentence...Lastly we're shown Todd's little innocent lamb..Rebecca,totally unaware what is about to unfold and the changes her life is in store for..
    The Crux of the Matter is: Here comes a ride the Audience and Todd are never going to recover fully from...from here on out hang on It's going to be a Bumpy Ride.

  2. ToddManning93941/3/11, 7:57 PM

    We don't really know exactly how many lithium tablets Todd actually took. Maybe he hid the rest of them in the flashlight or something. They didn't really fill us in on all the details...just that everyone assumed he'd taken enough to kill himself. I tend to think Todd was smart enough to know he had to take enough to affect his heart rate, but not enough to where he'd go completely unconscious.

  3. The nurse said he took 15 lithium tablets in the clip before.

  4. ToddManning93941/3/11, 8:28 PM

    Well, the nurse said that, but she was going off how many were left in the bottle...if Todd had done something with some of the pills, she wouldn't have known about it.

    LOL...I just like figuring out possibilities for things to be more plausible in stories I like.

    Also, as he's being wheeled out of there, you see his grab the flashlight. That flashlight was the big tool for his escape...and it's almost kind of metaphorical in a sense (flashlight...light...dark tunnel he's going through in First he may have hidden some of the pills in it, then he used it to knock out the ambulance attendant, and then he breaks it in the woods to give himself something to cut his arm with in order to wake himself up. Most important flashlight in OLTL history, lol.


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