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Search The Real Todd Manning

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Today in the news . . .

Port Llanview:  2010 in Review has this to say:

"Todd Manning. Todd started out as a frat boy who led the gang rape on Marty Saybrooke. Todd was originally highly complex and completely screwed up character who had been abused by his psychotic adoptive father. The Todd I see today on my screen is still a little screwed up but there is nothing complex about him at all. He is nothing but a schoompy, emo podd of a formally great character. I’m tired of seeing Todd pout and shout empty and lame threats. Trevor St. John looks bored and seems to be sleeping through all his scenes that I’m beginning to think he is just as bored and over the character as I am. Either transform Todd back into what he originally was after the gang rape or get rid of the character because schoompy and love sick are not characteristics of the Real Todd Manning. (Note: I do not mean bring back Roger Howarth for the record. Just fix the character)."

HUH?  You're making LOTS of sense, Amanda, until the last line.

My comment (awaiting moderation):
Amanda, you were making GREAT SENSE about the Todd Manning character until the last line. Bringing Roger Howarth back is WHAT will fix that character. Roger is the originator, the creator and the expert at the complex Todd you speak of. Trevor can do great with a fresh role. Thanks for the great blog!


  1. She replied back to you Kim......and I, of course, replied back to her about her reply to you!!!!!!! Go see! Im "J" of course! LOL

  2. Hi Ju, your comment is not there, possibly being moderated. I wrote again, go see if you have time.

  3. Yep......mine still says "waiting for moderation". Anyway, here is what I wrote to her reply to you:

    You are right Amanda, about the writers not really being able to grasp who Todd is at times. But I think that is where RH comes in!!!!!! If any one really gets Todd, it is Roger Howarth. He could over come some of the writing mistakes just by his interpretation of Todd. TSJ, to me, doesn’t have that on his side. He never came close to understanding Todd the way RH did/does. So I agree with K, the best way to fix Todd is get RH back (which doesn’t mean get rid of TSJ in my eyes). But if he won’t return, then Im with you Amanda, put Todd out of his misery one way or another!

  4. Nice second one was more lengthy....go see if you like!


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