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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Clip of the Day, January 5, 2011

Kevin is talking Powell out of finishing college? What sense does that make? A convicted felon will have enough trouble making a life without schooling.

Todd's fabricated stories about Powell in the jail are kind of funny. The fact that Rebecca has met Powell and believes it is - funnier. Todd is being so vile and pitiful here at the same time. When he came to in the ambulance, he saw her face? I think he saw the flashlight! "I don't remember how I got away!" How can she say no to hiding him? Look at that BEAUTIFUL FACE! He gives her his word that he will go away from Llanview as soon as he can. What is his word worth? She's not even really sure and accepts it. Those EYES, I tell ya!

The most INTERESTING MOMENT of this clip, I am sure you'll agree, is when she asks him to pray with her, and for a moment, we, the audience, is not really sure that he's all that against it. The way he says "all right" after her plea. If you watch his face, he's POSSIBLY sincere, or POSSIBLY believing her for that moment. Then...after her prayer, he switches RIGHT BACK to the other Todd and is nasty again. His way of saying "AMEN" takes away your doubt that he's really all that bad. It just affirms that he is!

By the end of the clip, Hank suddenly enjoys the help of Powell! Of course, Powell the Pure!

FAIL: Ok the Marty and Suede scene has to be the worst love scene I have ever seen on OLTL. The look on Marty's face when Suede explains how Southerners make things slow and last is like a kid looking at a scary clown and attempting to smile. It's stomach-turning.

Sound off!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the vids that are mainly filler I would have to agree with Kevin, Powell is nuts to want to go back to the university...of course he does end up getting some serious flack there, but then all of a sudden everything is fine ... Then Hank puts in an appearance and at first acts as hostile as Suede and Jason but the very next scene he seems to be backpeddling the anger then he starts questioning Powell about Todd. It's actually funny that Hank thinks Powell would have an idea where Todd would go or what he's up too. Surely he realizes that Todd and Powell hate each other since Powell turned Todd and Zach in.

    Next we have Marty and Suede. Marty is finding out Powell is out and appears upset but she says she's alright with it...boy she's lying to herself and trying to get on with her life as she tries to seduce Suede, a bit quick if you ask me almost like she needs a
    distraction to take her mind off the fact that Powell is out and Todd's Escaped....

    Which brings us to the Man himself: Rebecca has safely gotten Todd to the tabernacle and now Todd has time to spin his story and boy does he spin...Powell is the big bad guy who left orders for Todd's demise in Prison ...come on ....Boy she's gullible and Todd is using that gullibility to the hilt. Of course he needs Rebecca and he needs a place to get the drugs out of his system so whatever story he has to weave to get her sympathy he does...the final scene where Rebecca urges him to pray is terrific because in some ways he's realizing this person does really care about him but in the end , for him the only thing on his mind is revenge and nothing is going to stop that .


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