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Search The Real Todd Manning

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Online conversation - The Podvodnik and Puvodni War

"There was a terrible article published on the online press this weekend about how Trevor St. John NEVER became Todd. And how Roger Howarth will never step back into those shoes. Maybe the REAL Todd is forever and gone????"

"Hey, That's bull. Roger started the character of Todd BUT.....TSJ made Todd Manning a household name in soaps, NOT ROGER. I hated Rogers version of Todd because Todd was 1 dimensional. Trevor's Todd is 3 dimensional and way more likable than Roger's."

Can you believe this talk???? It's like someone is watching them BACKWARD or looking in a mirror! Personally, I'd like to see the article in the online press he/she is talking about!

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  1. In what universe did Todd Manning not become a household name in 1993?

  2. I think it may be the teen world they are living in, not sure. It was so strange to read that, knowing its just the opposite


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