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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Demise of the Super Couple

From SOC:

I personally love this discussion and have written about it many times over the years. I will agree that within the last 7-10 years, the "supercouple" has faded, is basically non-existent, and is one of the reasons that soaps have declined.

In the past, a super couple WOULD LAST THROUGH ANYTHING, hence the name "super." Their love was heroic. Regardless of the adventure, threat, illness, they'd come out together in the end. Yes, they might leave each other, but not without some drastic reason (that usually threatened the other one). They would come back around....always.

I'd suggest that the closest thing to a super couple in recent years on OLTL was Todd and Blair when Roger was on the show. I am not even convinced that they were REALLY one, but they are close. His character was too messed up to REALLY complete the picture with any woman (as we expected from him). But, they're like the last little threads of that kind of thinking on soaps (per writers) - timeless heroic (and in their case, antiheroic) love - not people.

I think writers of the 80s and early 90s worked hard to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS, and the create drama around them. Today, they USE relationships/betrayal/breakups to create the drama (backward). It is almost as if the writers can't think of anything else!! They do this with friendships and families. We ARE missing the payoffs!

We want them together, regardless of the opposition. Regardless of the turmoil. They won't let go of each other, no matter what. Now, something goes wrong and one is off finding another one. The other is looking at a new guy without a shirt already. Ridiculous, tedious; nothing to hold on to and very little romance. Remember "love in the afternoon?"

Missing components:
*deeply developed, lasting relationships that endure time (not 3 to 5 months)
*two strong performers with undeniable chemistry that have won much MORE than 50% of the fans - more like 80% (why Natalie and John are probably NOT a S.C.)
*drama surrounding the couple that draws them together, not apart
*stable writing keeping characters true to themselves/each other
*respect for the actors, the roles they create, & keeping romances intact.

I miss those days A LOT. This was a good discussion to be involved in.

find it HERE

1 comment:

  1. I miss those days too, when the writing revolved around the super couple instead of the super couple’s breakup being the story! It's like the writers think viewers will get bored if couples are paired for too long. IMO, if the writing is interesting, we won't mind couples staying together. The only current example I can think of is Brooke & Ridge from B&B. Maybe Bo & Nora from our OLTL. Let's hope Todd & Blair someday soon. lol


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