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Search The Real Todd Manning

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

'One Life' Recasts Teen Role - Soap Opera Network

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 2:12 PM ET by Scotty Gore

Photo: CP Talent

( -- "One Life to Live" finds its new Jack Manning only weeks after it ditched the previous one. 

Just before Christmas, Carmen LoPorto, who has played the oldest son of Blair Cramer and reformed rapist Todd Manning since 2007, posted on his Facebook page that "I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and thank you for all your support over the past 3-1/2 years as Jack. I got a call this week that they SORAS'ed Jack and I am no longer a member of the Manning Family. It's been fun and an experience that I will never forget. Thank You All Again. Here's to bigger and better things to come in 2011. XO"

Now, less than a month later, it has been revealed that daytime newcomer Andrew Trischitta has taken over the recurring role. Trischitta began filming scenes yesterday, and his scenes are expected to begin airing sometime in February or March; it is speculated that January 3rd was LoPorto's final airdate in the role, however that has yet to be confirmed.  Look for Jack to become slightly aged, considering that the older-looking Trischitta is fifteen, while LoPorto just turned fourteen yesterday. 

Jack becomes the second of Todd Manning's children to be recently recast.  Just last month "OLTL" replaced twins Jacob and Luke Clodfelter with Patrick Gibbons, Jr. in the role of Jack's younger brother Sam. 

For a sneak peek at the new Jack Manning, click here to watch Trischitta in a recent commercial for "Ring Pops." 

"One Life to Live" airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Anytime on and Check local listings.

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