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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On-Air On-Soaps Michael Fairman’s Best & Worst List of 2010! | Michael Fairman On-Air On-Soaps | Daytime Soap Interviews, News, Updates and Previews, Video and Audio Interviews

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On-Air On-Soaps Michael Fairman's Best & Worst List of 2010!

In a dramatic and very bizarre year in the world of soaps, On-Air On-Soaps Michael Fairman revealed for the first time most of his picks for the Best and Worst in soaps in 2010 in several categories on last night's episode of BlazinRy Radio on the BlogTalk Radio network.  In case you missed the show, or were listening and noticed the show went off  the air before the announcements in several key categories were made, we have posted the entire Best and Worst List of 2010 today.

In addition, if you would hear the episode you will get the rationale of several of the choices, and the reveal of many runner-ups in the key categories.  Make sure to listen to the full episode from BlazinRy Radio at the bottom of this post.  (The player will begin automatically, so to turn off the program, click the pause button on the player)

Some information: The decision for Best Soap was not clear-cut in 2010. It was between three shows: General Hospital, One Life to Live and The Bold and the Beautiful. While each had its ups, it also had many downs. OLTL with the axing of Kish and the Ford family being integrated into the show were the downs, but the very dark and riveting series offered at times creative storytelling, which is where it gained some significant ups.  GH had an extraordinary first six months of the year only to have it falter with the return of Brenda Barrett, which made this early front runner take a nosedive.  As for B&B, while it had the most shocking and sensational storytelling moments, Stephanie's cancer story, The Party Boink, and the plight of the homeless, it on many days could just not hold our interest.  And therefore, we came up with categories we feel honor each of these shows.

View the complete 2010 Best and Worst List, and hear last night's BlazinRy episode below!

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