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Friday, April 15, 2011

Clip of the Day, April 15, 2011 (215)

Let's try not to let the recent news affect us too much. No matter what ABC does, they can't take away this history. History like THIS Todd scene. Suck it, Frons!

Now that Rebecca has told Todd she DID, in fact, betray him by informing the police, he tries to rationalize her decision as having been more about Powell than her; trying desperately to convince himself (truthfully, he's not even totally wrong...had it not been for Powell and her false belief she actually loved Powell, she never would have told anyone). Todd can deal with this. He can't deal with what is to come.

She tells him she is breaking off all ties to him and won't visit him anymore. Todd has now hit rock bottom. Her visits were all he had left to hope for. If you thought Todd might have committed suicide in prison in scenes we will be watching down the road, imagine what would have happened had the Mountain Rescue NOT taken place. I put the over/under on Todd's remaining life span at a week.

Then again, Todd did show an incredible will to live, even when HE thought he wanted to I'm not entirely sure what would have happened.

This scene is almost unbearably sad, but it's also beautiful, and perfectly sets up what is to come.

"Rebecca, please." I don't know how she can do this to him, honestly.

And then the ultimate ending torture; he has to watch her leave with the-one-I-won't-even-name at this point. It's just cruel. THIS is how he pays for what he'd done.

There really aren't any words to describe this just have to watch.

The Marty, Andrew, Cassie, and Jessica stuff is key background stuff that will set up later scenes. What? Writers tying stories in with other stories? What were they THINKING?! That's not cool!

FAIL: None. This is great stuff all around. Only minor annoyance is Marty's token brief sanctimonious moment.


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