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Search The Real Todd Manning

Monday, April 25, 2011

Clip of the Day, April 23 and 24, 2011 (223 and 224)

Well we find out that Manning is not dead after all.

"CJ, he's a great kid, I'd never let anything happen to him. What, what are you looking at me like that for? You think I eat kids for breakfast?"

Todd, is the best. Roger, is the best. ABCD sucks.

I LOVE the conversation between Marty and Todd is UNPARALLELED. "Nothin to do, except think about things."

"What are you saying Todd? Are you trying to say that you're sorry? Say it Todd, I need to hear you say it?"

"You wanna know if the monster feels thing? I do Marty, I feel sorry, I feel sorry about a lot of things, but mostly I feel sorry about the day I was born."

BINGO. I adore this man....his work as Todd, what else meets this? I can't even say Tony Geary's work does, because it doesn't. He was GREAT, don't get me wrong, but this is unbelievable....and the music they use. So amazing.

FAIL: The POWELL and REBECCA SCENE WRECKS IT. "I never knew homework could be so fascinating." GAG.

SAVING GRACE IN THE FAIL" COrd: Must be the Alec Baldwin Hair Thing. LOL!

Jessica's at the hospital, CJ is in shock. I love this whole story, and it's AWESOME EACH TIME I WATCH. Even the day players are amazing in this. ROCKS.

"Lemon, Strawberry, Orange?"


OMG, so perfect. CJ was a GREAT LITTLE ACTOR!!! Loved these awesome child actors. The nurse coaxing CJ is a fantastic actress, I mean, for a day player, she's lightyears ahead of some of the regular characters today.

And of course, the story brings in a lot of the Vicki, Sloan, Clint's amazing. Everyone gets into the act where is Todd is concerned.

"Todd talked to you?"

"He saved us."

I LOVE IT. Marty has to DEAL with that, and it's too much for her, clearly. During the next story, she definitely goes after him, almost hoping he is NOT a real person and has NOT done something heroic. Great stuff.

Do these clips make you grateful that we have them, or sadder that we'll only have a little more in light of the cancellation?



  1. There is so much drama going on in these vids. The dialogue between Marty and Todd when they get to the road is so real as he works to keep the torniquet on her leg and and they talk about fate. Susan and Roger brought the characters alive. The rapist and his victim actaully having a conversation not just yelling but really listening to each other. This is the start of some fabulous conversations between these two. What makes this one so important is that this is the moment when Marty sees Todd as a man again just for a moment and will no loonger just see him as the monster who raped her. Of course that one moment of humanity from Todd will cause Marty all sorts of grief later on.

    I totally agree about CJ, the little boy who played him is an excellent little actor and the little children on the show at this time all stepped up their games. The writers knew how to write for the children and they came across very naturally in their relationships to the people around them.

    Lastly I definitely agree the scene between Powell and Rebecca was cringewothy in the face of the drama playing out on the mountain side and at the hospital but those kinds of scenes still interrupt the good scenes to this day.

  2. Yes Karena, it's the nature of the soaps

  3. I could watch this stuff forever. Everything about these scenes between Todd and Marty is perfection. It wasn't too angry, just angry enough. And it wasn't too syrupy and sorrowful, just syrupy and sorrowful enough.

    Fate is right. Odd how even their love for Jessica and CJ threw them into each other's orbit. Like satellites.

    I have to say one of the things I noticed was the great camera shots in this eppy too. Loved the shot from the back of Bo's car looking out the front windshield as he drove into the scene of the accident. That was really unusual camera work for a soap. You'd pro ably never find hat kind of visual attention to detail these days.

    Sad, really. But not as sad as Powell and Rebecca. What in god's name does she see in that guy!? I just never understood the attraction.

  4. ToddManning93944/26/11, 2:39 AM

    Apology #1 for Todd, for those keeping score. You'll note how with each one, she never truly believes him until the legendary "I was a monster" scene, hence his saying "and I know that I've said that before, but let's face it, you never really believed me".

    I actually don't mind the Powell and Rebecca scene here (with the exception of the fact that Rebecca is still gushing over this horrible replacement for Todd in her life) because they are both connected STRONGLY to everything that is happening/just happened. This scene shows how oblivious they are to this ENORMOUS incident that will change their lives forever. In retrospect, it's especially interesting.

    LOL @ Cord's "but you two don't need any work in chemistry" line. I guess he's being sarcastic.


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