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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Clip of the Day, April 30, 2011 (225, 226, 227)

C.J. spills the beans to Rebecca. I love it. Now she can't hide from it...she really has no choice but to get back in his corner after this.

Todd always winds up in the woods. It's a recurring theme that I think has some ties to certain Biblical elements in Malone's writing. It's one of the things I love about this era; the Malone/Griffith team combined classical concepts rooted in literature from hundreds of years ago with ground breaking socially conscious/verite style concepts. You get the best from both worlds.

Typical frustrating hospital stuff Cord is dealing with.

Marty confirms what C.J. told his babysitter, Rebecca.

Oh my God, what a PERFECT line from Bo about Todd. "I'm telling you that Todd Manning can make you think he's going one direction when he's really going the other." Can you say, "double entendre?" And the thing is, Bo knows what happened at this point (as we find out soon) his comment was partly the result of that knowledge. Todd "went in a different direction" in more ways than one.

Writing, folks. Writing.

Everybody tied into this story now that Jessica's involved. Love it.

Oh my, look at this Bo/Todd standoff, with Bo so close to Todd without actually knowing it (but maybe sensing it in his gut). LOL!!! Nick Manzo, "not too many Caucasian males with long hair." Oh my, this next scene is going to be HILARIOUS after that line. Llanview's own Keystone Kops in full flight.

So now we know Jessica doesn't have a spleen.

See that look on Powell-the-Pure's face? That's the look of a dastardly guy realizing he lost his last advantage over his biggest enemy.

Clint and Jessica scene. Classic moment. Great work by the late Clint Ritchie here.

Hahahaha!!!!!! Keystone Kops, Go! I love how they found an RH lookalike (probably just happened to be walking by the studio in New York) for an "extras" role in this. I'll bet you this guy would make a better Todd than Trevor St. Jawn, LOL.

"Great, the guy's probably in West Virgina by now." Well, Nick, that WOULD be fitting after your lame "Wheeling, West Virginia" idea a few months ago.

Todd goes climbing. Good thing RH stays in shape!

And here we go. Another one of my all-time favorite Todd scenes. I have about 500 of them, true, but this is in there! I LOVE this. The Todd/Bo standoff, with Todd clinging on and Bo literally trying to talk him down.

"Didn't I dig a hole deep enough to die in, yet?" as he is clinging on for dear life with a gun pointed at him. Simply amazing stuff. In this scene you just get this clear look at where he is now...look how far he's come after everything that's happened over the past several months since he first decided he was going to escape prison, and look at this one moment where he's trapped and grimacing with the last fumes of whatever resistance is left in him keeping him from giving up. It's a matter of pride for him, now.

And as we now find out, Bo knows about everything that happened after the accident. But one of the Keystone Kops shoots him down anyway as he was trying to surrender. This stuff is more like a prime television series or a movie than a soap opera. Anyone who hasn't seen the story of 1994 Todd Manning is really missing out on something special, and their life isn't complete until they HAVE seen it. :D

FAIL: Powell with hilarious hypocrisy. "That doesn't make him a Saint!" Nope, it doesn't make him like YOU, Powell, right?


  1. "Hahahaha!!!!!! Keystone Kops, Go! I love how they found an RH lookalike (probably just happened to be walking by the studio in New York) for an "extras" role in this"

    This is so true and so funny.

  2. Love this, TM: This stuff is more like a prime television series or a movie than a soap opera. Anyone who hasn't seen the story of 1994 Todd Manning is really missing out on something special, and their life isn't complete until they HAVE seen it. :D

    I SO AGREE. You HAVE to watch him from day 1 to understand him and to understand our refusal to accept the impostor.

  3. You're absolutely right about the writing. It was just amazingly detailed back then. I'm a big fan of subtext and not only was RH able to bring that out in his performance, he got a lot of help from the writing that truly looked at each character and each scene as a part of the whole and a link in the chain. One link in the chain of story that was (and will be again) Todd's story, and the story of Llanview.

    I got Geary over the Clint/Jess scene. I was never a huge CR fan, but he always portrayed beautifully Clint's love for his little girl. Much like RH would later do with Starr. There was perhaps some mirroring there. These are two "tough guys" who you'd think would e better suited to having sons, and yet it's their daughters who were always able to show what kind of men they really were.

    I don't care what anybody says. Jessica is the daughter of Clint Buchanan in my house and that's the way it's going to stay.

    Got to say it...Todd's shot again. Consider all that has happened to him in the year between the rape and getting shot out of that tree. And he survived. He survived Peter Manning, he survived prison, he survived months on the run as a fugitive, he survived an icy river, he survived a car crash, and he survived being shot--twice. Raise your hand if you think being beaten by Mitch's thugs and having his life snatched away by an imposter for 8 years is going to kill Todd Manning. Exactly. Look out Llanview.

  4. Love all of this, it's all so so good.

  5. ToddManning93944/30/11, 6:36 PM

    One of the reasons I love that scene later on where the physical therapist from the hospital starts giving him crap and Todd goes, "YOU WANNA SEE WHAT KIND OF GUYS I GOT?!"

    All of a sudden I flash back to everything he had survived and it's like, "yeah...he's kind of proven himself, ya know?"


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