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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clip of the Day 9/14/10

Number 2 in Bjujubee's Todd Manning Story! It will be slow going at first with our commenting, but sooner or later, we'll have a LOT to be talking about! Join in! See my commentary below.

First off, my commentary has to begin with mentioning cute Jessica, my favorite Jessica, by the way....and how adorable she was and how much fun it was to watch her partially grow up.

I love Roger's delivery when he tells Powell to act different around his family....and then he does his FIRST BOUT of EATING and TALKING, the thing he is so good at. I think this kind of stuff helped develop him as a natural character. Sometimes I wonder if he ad libbed or put the ideas to eat, etc, in himself.

When he meets Andrew - it's so apparent how different the two actors are....especially in age. I think in later stories, TPTB made them seem sort of like peers, but here, it's clear that Andrew is an older character than Todd, and also wiser.

The thing that is most obvious I think is that for me, Todd's reason for raping Marty and Powell's, are very clear. You an tell already why Todd is who he is, and as for Powell, you can see how he was weak and pressured....the thing that never made sense to me was Zach's reason. Really. It never panned out as sensible, since he was a pre-med student, with good grades and without any explanation at the time or even after of why he participated.

If he was not killed off in the recent KAD fiasco, he would make a good returnee for OLTL to accompany Roger, if Roger does return. Somehow, unless they already have, the writers should tie up Zach's part and his whys and hows.

FAIL: Todd's table manners are too nice in the opening scene!


  1. Loved Zach throughout this first Todd storyline. It was such a shame the actor came back and wasn't able to be in scenes with RH. Powell too. In KAD Redud, I was rooting for Zach and Powell to take recasted Todd out! lol
    The writing, and the acting from these 3 newbies, was top notch back then. Just compare this to the Ford Bros, and the difference is startling.

  2. Now I have to comment on Jessica. Erin Torpey was great, of course. She's probably my favorite Jessica too. However, I want to comment on her successor, Bree Williamson. Bree is a shining example, in my mind, of a successful recast. I don't think she's written exactly as was Erin, but I definitely view her as a continuation of the same character. She's something like the oppose of Trevor Saint John (who just doesn't fit the part he's stuck with). More after I rewatch the video. :)

  3. @rockwello - I am glad I did not see the KAD Regurgitation.....I would have really lost it. I thought I read that Zach is still alive? So we can hope that he might be able to have scenes with RH someday.....

    @Sonja - I loved the original Jessica A LOT. In fact, I think I am generally partial to the original actor in most cases.....there are a few exceptions - one that comes to mind is RS as Dorian...!

  4. @Kim - I knew someone would respond that way. :) I generally prefer originators to recasts. They have the advantage of having defined the character. I'm not sure it's possible for a whole new actor to be entirely true to the original. However, sometimes recasts have to happen. I think the Jessica recast was handled well. Bree isn't a perfect Jessica (as defined by Erin), but I don't find it difficult to suspend disbelief. Trevor, on the other hand, is playing a whole new character. It's difficult for me to see Todd in him at all. That, to me, is a sign of a poor recast. The character is likable, but he isn't a continuation of the character we're told he's supposed to be.

  5. P.S. I don't know if there's an Erin vs. Bree debate, but I have no strong feelings if there is. I like Bree and am content with her as Jessica. I also like Erin and would be quite happy to watch were she to return to the role.

  6. @Sonja, in all fairness, TSJ had an IMPOSSIBLE task in my opinion. If you watch Roger, which of course we all do, there is NO ONE LIKE HIM and it's an impossible act to follow. This is why the sheer mention of his return makes such waves, even if they are deleted.

  7. Wow, he really does have a knack for eating and talking, doesn't he? I mean he completely chows down and his lines still come out so naturally.

    I like how Zach diverts Kevin's attention back to Jess and Vicki to get him off their backs. That was done with ease and played so well.

    My heart sinks when the waiter walks by, revealing Marty walking in with Cassie right behind her. I can't help but feel bad for her as the pain, fear, and anger washes over her face when she not only sees them at that table, but sees them laughing and cutting up, so completely unaware of what they've done to her. And, the way Marty's body flinches as Jess grabs her arm is just another one of those perfectly done moments that shows SH didn't miss a thing.

    btw like you said, Kim...I loved this Jess! She was my favorite too!

    Todd: "It's about she's knows to keep her mouth shut is what it's better understand that too powell" ah it seems he's showing just the tinyest bit of worry here...even though I still think the only think that ever even crossed his mind at this point is that if anyone found out he'd have to figure out how to get himself out of it, as he thought he was invinsible.

    I know that it's all a matter of opinion, but I actually liked Suede. Anyway, that's kind of beside the point...the point is...I love the way Todd is making fun of Suede's name here! lol

    The ease in which Todd says Marty was pathetic when referring to how she looked when they "checked on her" makes me wonder where Luna was with that pipe. lol

    I think there's appears to be an ahah (though I can't say for sure as it's not super sharp) look on Todd when Zach mentions the possability of little baggies of evidence...kind of like an uh oh but then he quickly devises the rest of the plan which of course is..."yea we did, so what, she wanted it" or something like that.

  8. @Precious - Sorry for all the comments I made against Suede...and sorry in advance for those I will make against Patrick. LOL.

  9. @Kim...It's okay! :) I liked them, but I don't expect everyone did.

  10. @Precious, Yes well my apologies in advance!


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