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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Clip of the Day 9/16/10

Here's another of Bjujubee's edits. I personally thank her for her hard work! Commentary below!

Another of the initial Todd vids and in this one, I have little to really say about my man. Kevin also is quite good here, my fave Kevin, and the relationship between Viki and Kevin is quite interesting also - she's so devoted to him. As a side note, I always thought the story of Viki hating Kevin due to brainwash was a bit...well...washy. Anyhow, I love how Kevin attempts to thwart Powell's lies at the dinner party.

Why is it I never liked Powell, at all? He just was such a pansy....I never liked anything about him. It almost seems at this point, he was still intended to be the redeemed, stick-around character. Ugh, what a joke. He's so much more interesting and effective as a meanie/nutcase. From what I hear, Sean M. was wasted in the KAD Regurgitation.

Todd....eats again. In the jail cell, Todd "goes off" and he shows his colors - that anger is rising up. He's simply already giving it his all again and hooking us. He talks for Powell, he's cocky toward Hank...etc. I've often wondered just when they decided Roger was a keeper. And, on one of my fave topics, his "alters," it's so obvious Pete is running the show if anyone.

FAIL: Todd's hair here. This is the stage of his hair that I don't like. It seems they sprayed it back on the sides a bit...yuckie. LOVE when it gets long and hangs down and he gets the goatee....yummy! Even when he's straggly and messy, I just seem to adore him more. And of course, I also love the scar. More on that in the future.

So, sound off ... WHADDYA THINK? See you all later, another late day, I'll be here around 8 or 9!


  1. Even when Todd was a frat boy jerk, I always loved how "alpha male" he was!!!!! Even though it was a front to hide all of those fears of life that he had, he always did the Alpha SO WELL!!!!!!! We would walk into a room and the room would stop! I love the Zach and Todd relationship in this story.....probably one of the more realistic young male relationships done on TV. Love the way Todd was in Powell's head from the beginning.....Powell was such an easy target for someone as clever as Todd! LOL

    Got to agree with you about this hair......not my fave, but whose hair does look good when it is in that "growing it out" stage! Gotta say the Miami Vice jacket does nothing for me either!!!!

  2. @Bjujubee - YES, the ALPHA MALE's so much part of who he is. Zach and Todd are fun, especially later during the hospital rapes story. Powell is really unlikeable for me.


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