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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Old Poll Shows the Truth

From an old poll I came across, 91% of viewers DID NOT WANT TODD RECAST when Roger left OLTL.

Poll Results

This is what I think the real problem is. Todd was a role that should not have ever been recast. It was a pair of white gym sneakers (with white socks) that are impossible to fill.


  1. @Sonja, I do too. I think it's SO TELLING about what people thought prior to the recast. It never should have been done at all.

  2. Supposedly the story went that RH was totally ticked off at the writer then (Michael Malone) in 2003 when he left because he got a script that Todd would rape Blair and RH refused to have Todd go there again, so he walked out. Then a few months later we got a bunch of articles from Michael Malone saying he had found this "perfect actor" that screamed Todd to him the first time he saw him! LOL To me it always sounded like Michael Malone was just gonna get "someone" to recast Todd to show RH that they could do Todd without him.......hence the recast happened! Yeah that worked out really well for them, Michael Malone should have just swallowed his pride and let Todd remain missing with the last scene being in that crypt!

  3. @bjujubee...I LOVE that Roger is a stand up guy, as well as has such a deep understanding of the character he created.....there is really little chance that in 2003, 10 years later, Todd would have raped anyone. This is why the ridiculous Marty and Todd thing was so out of character and SO WRONG....most likely it was an imposter anyway. Todd should reappear, via RH of course, with his alters back! After this horrific experience he's been through being held hostage somewhere, he cracked and is not integrated after all.


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