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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clip of the Day Sept. 22, 2010

Another clip for us, thanks to bjujubee, and her hard work to create Todd's real story. Commentary below.

Kind of cute that the clip starts with Hank saying "underpants."

Anyway, Nora is a BRUTAL attorney. I love the whole thing from start to finish, especially when she starts to unravel. GREAT GREAT STORYTELLING! Where is this part of soaps? It causes you to wonder what RH would deal with if he DID return.

This judge is no-nonsense and very excellent. I love her whole demeanor. It is very realistic. I love "it's all in the game, counselor."

Kevin has it all figured out, you can see it on his face. I think this leads to more interesting stuff with Powell as Kevin tries to get him to fess it up.

I think I hear Todd yell out "OH NO WAY" in the background during Andrew's testimony. LOL. I played it over and I think it's a definite. Todd, shush!

Question of the Day: How would this story play out today?

FAIL: Andrew Carpenter. Now here's a doozy. I don't know, I always had trouble with his character. To me, he was a bit annoying and very condescending and self-righteous. He made a LOT of mistakes along the way.....I don't know...kind of a goody-goody taken too far. In these scenes, he is overly dramatic, and it really doesn't help the testimony at all. His poetic delivery doesn't help matters. Just my take.



  1. Hmm...I'm not sure how this comment will be coming out...may be a little different than usual, but I guess we'll see...

    First I just have to start off by saying that I absolutely love this judge! I think she's totally awesome.

    Now on to everyone else...

    Ahh what can I say about Luna...I always loved her...thought she was a rather cool lady...I would love to be able to see some of those early post sprin fling scenes between Luna & Marty again, because as I remember they were good and I can't find them anywhere. But, I digress...what I would like to say about Luna here is that I think her, shock and pain for Marty shows very nicely as she listens to the doctor talk about how the cuts on Marty's tongue were consistant with cuts sustained either through a struggle or due to a blow to the face. I also like how the pained feelings for Marty so clearly and naturally mix and morph into painful feelings from her own past before she has to get up and leave...all of that comes through clearly in just her facial expressions, eyes, and body language.

    I love the look on Marty's face as she sees Luna leave. As I remember it Luna and Marty had not previously gotten along but they'd formed a's been so long it's hard to really remember and I don't know how or where online I can find out the actual timeline of events and stuff, but as I remember...Marty had been suggested to speak with someone...someone who maybe wasn't actually a councilor (I don't think) but who'd been there and might be able to help...I'm not sure how the first meeting went but Luna was the one there and at some point told Marty about what happened to her in the when Luna exits with Max following...Marty is concerned because in that moment she knows what was said on the stand brought up feelings from the past in her friend.

    Now before I say any more I just have to show my Nora and Hank love. lol I've said it before, but I have to say it again...they were both amazing in this trial! This trial to me was must see tv at it's best...very well written (current writers could take notes from back in the day), amazingly acted, and just an all around great story.

    After Nora says "yes councilor, it's all in the game" There is quite very short but very good look exchanged between Todd and Zach as they are happy that it appears the judge will mostly allow the grand standing from Nora.

    The kind of fearful/worried/upset look from Marty as she glances at the boys and sees Todd and Zach smiling...well I think that was also a very strong and effective look.

    The cut to everyone's faces when Hank asked Sheila about her professional opinion and then Sheila said that she never doubted that Marty was raped.

    And, that little bit of triumph that comes out in Marty's smile when Sheile said "...there's no question in my mind that Marty Saybrooke was raped" and then the cut from Marty's face to the nervouse and fearful looks on Kevin...both of these were once again perfectly done.

    the little thing between Marty, Suede, Sheila and Cassie as Marty explains why she's nervous and scared...I think that was a really nice moment.

    Now, I always liked Andrew...I know he came off as a goody-goody at times but he was a flawed individual and he knew it and we knew it, but he was also a genuinely nice guy who was strong in his faith. I saw him as a kind and forgiving guy who was gentle and wise. So due to the way I saw him...I personally didn't think his testimony was a fail (but differing opinions are what makes analysis interesting). Andrew held it together and told it how he saw it, but there were times where it sounded as if the emotions he was feeling were about to make his voice crack as it was obvious that it hurt him to see the physical and emotional state she was in when he saw her.

    (to be continued)

  2. When Andrew says "I asked her if she was hurt" there's a very short, quick shot of Todd and it's so quick but you can see his eyebrows raised slightly...I know he doesn't really realize or understand anything truely until much later, but for that tiny moment he ever so slightly looked as if maybe he could see in his mind's eye what Andrew saw, and it seems as if it bothers him. Then again I could be wrong about that because after hearing that "No way" just moments later..perhaps it was just a momentary worry on Todd's part as to how the jury was taking Andrews either case I think it's a great look. lol

    The only thing I see in this clip that may be a FAIL on Hanks part (though maybe it comes up in a later clip) is that...he never went back after Nora got the doctor to admit that Marty might tend to bruise more easily due to her lupus...I'm sure that might be true, but the bruises she had should still lend themselves more toward being consistent with rape than a night of fun loving consentual sex. There were bruises around her wrists (consistent I assume with being pined down) and on her neck (consistent with either having an arm pressed against her neck or hands wraped around) I could be wrong about this but unless they are claiming it was intentionally excessively rough due to her wanting it that way, then it should appear more forced, shouldn't it? I don't know...just a thought. lol

    @Kim...I would love to answer the question of the day, but before I do...could you explain what you're looking for a bit more? Because I can think of a couple different ways that I could interpret and thus answer the question.

  3. @Precious, what I meant was, what about this story would still be there, and what things would be different if it were today instead of 1993? Same actors.

  4. @Precious again, I never saw the eyebrow raise. Good catch. I don't know if he really felt bad or if it bothered him, but good observation.

  5. ok if you mean if this exact same thing was happening now for the first time with the same people and everything and they were the age they were then only it's not then, it's now...then hmm...the courtroom would be different because they have some funky courtroom now that doesn't have a witness stand, but instead just has a chair and the judge sits at a simple table. Other than that I don't really think anything would really change much...I mean I know it's been 17 years, but I think it stands up really well.

    now if you mean how would it be different if they were to try and do something similar now...I think it would be a complete and utter failure. I think a story similar to this (just not 100% exactly the same since most of us were watching it then) could be done again and it could be done very well, but to pull it off they would need to hire some writers that know how to write in a character driven way and some actors/actresses that are good with subtext, are good at saying a lot without saying a word, etc, etc.

    I could write it for them, or team up with someone else (are you game Kim or juju?) to write it. lol and I could help cast it too. lol

    I'd connect it to Marty and Todd in some way shape or form. lol

  6. @Kim...thanks. I looked at it and looked at it and I just wasn't guite 100% sure what he was saying with the eyebrow raise....heck for all I know RH would die laughing that I mentioned it..perhaps he was wishing they'd yell cut so he could run to the restroom, but I doubt it. lol

  7. @Precious, I'll def team up with you to write anything for OLTL as long as RH is there to carry it out.

  8. @Precious, good eye though. He would probably have forgotten that he did it.


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