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Friday, September 17, 2010

Clip of the Day 9/17/10

Here's today's clip! Thanks again to Bjujubee and her wonderful clips! Commentary below.

Today what struck me most here is Roger's VOICE. I think I'd know it anywhere. Even though he's speaking rough, and at times, he speaks improper grammar, (as a college boy might, like "ain't" and puts some words together in imaginary contractions) it's smooth and very clear, perfect diction and at times, a soothing sound. His inflection is amazing, and every nuance (my fave phrase) of emotion, etc is in the sound of his silken voice.

Also, his stage presence seems lightyears ahead of some of the players in this story. As much as I think that the actor that plays Zach is funny later on, during these scenes, Roger is the stand-out, almost misplaced at times. However, KG (Kevin) is VERY GOOD HERE. My favorite line is "Why can't you just speak to us at the same time?" LOL. Todd! Also, "We didn't hit her. We didn't hurt her..." He has no clue what he's actually done. This is so part of his screwed up psyche. And...."spotless records??" I thought Todd tried to kill Peter Manning? Perhaps because he was only 14, Sam got his record wiped....that must be the deal.

FAIL: Me, trying to imagine this Kevin, growing up to be the Kevin that was part of the Georgie Phillips murder story. Uh....OLTL?

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