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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Clip of the Day Oct. 2, 2010

Marty's testimony continues. Pointing a finger at Zach this time....and then Powell, of course.....

Todd blows it again, yelling and blowing his stack. Todd - totally unhinged - gives us a good preview of what Roger's going to be capable of, while Powell is about to lose his lunch. Suede, get lost. Marty will decide, on her own, to do the right thing. Sheesh.

OOh Kevin is pretty darn sure Powell's guilty. Viki is even starting to think so...and she's rather disgusted. I love when she gets that self-righteous way about her. Erika can carry off just about ANYTHING and the perfect pairing of she and Roger....their scenes during various stories (her DID and his) are just amazing.

Ok I just LOVE how Susan unravels a bit when she starts to testify about Kevin. I love it. She is SO GOOD AT THIS. As an actress, she definitely could hook you into believing anything, even when you didn't agree with what she was doing as a character (not in this story, but in other, later stories). As Marty, you REALLY feel for her when she has to say this thing about Kevin. Hank's getting a bit too much, but...he has a job to do. "No, there's no 4th man. 3 men, 3 men raped me."'s amazing that she gets the courage to announce this. Viki cries, Kevin cries, Suede's brimming with happiness (bug off), everyone's abuzz, Nora is SO HAPPY, and Hank is SEETHING because he knows what this may have done to his case. But SUSAN still has you hooked to feel what you are supposed to feel and forget that she's totally pretending and that none of it is real anyway.

FAIL: Suede. Sorry. The subpar acting leaves him lightyears behind Susan, Erika, and Roger, not to mention the others as well.....yikes. Jason Webb could have done better than this....he would have been a better boyfriend for our girl.

Question of the Day: Do you think OLTL should try and get THIS KEVIN back when and if RH comes back?


  1. Wow, these court scenes were sooo good! Puts all the court shows to shame (even though I like L&O: SVU and used to like reg L&O).

    Ms. Haskell is soo good, here! I think it's a real shame how underused and underrated she is nowadays. She has a real knack like Kim said to make us feel deeply for show us and make us feel why she does the things she does and what drives her through her storylines.

    I love when she pointed out Todd in the last clip and Zach in this one...she has to point them out but she does so in such a timid way...she's still very much afraid of these guys (who wouldn't be?), but she's doing her best to hold it together, to tell everything in hopes that they get put away and she can hopefully feel safe again.

    I also like the way she refers to the wrist bands Hank presents...she certain that they are exactly like the sweatband they gagged her with...she's certain but you can tell it's hard for her to say it, to talk about can only imagine how hard it would be for her to be looking at them and have the momory of that horrible night replaying in her head...I can almost imagine how the mere sight of them are reminding her of the feeling of having the sweatband shoved in her mouth, feeling the added fear (on top of all the other fear) of having her screams silenced...the only way in which she still had enough strength to fight them...the only thing that she still had that they hadn't taken from her was he voice and her ability to scream, and they took that too (at least at that moment they did), so it's hard for her to talk about...may seem strange...maybe it seems i'm waaaay over analyzing, but...somehow I get all that just by watching her...even in her subtlety she has such an ability to show so much.

    ooo Todd that's a big no no! You shouldn't be blowing up like that or it may cause you to look bad. lol But, he's good at this isn't he...I can't wait till RH returns! I really hope he returns and I hope he does it very soon!

    I love when Powell runs out of the courtroom like his pants are on fire AND he's about to puke! lol Then Kevin chases after him...Kevin has to be realizing by now that something's wrong with Powell.

    I very much like the eye contact, the look between Marty and Vicki after Kevin chases after Powell...could Vicki be finally starting to realize that Powell knows something?

    Once Marty talks directly to Powell about how she pleaded with him to help her, about how she thought he was different and then after Hank questions her and she names him...ahh Kevin knows Powell is guilty and so does Vicki and they both are sickened by this.

    She does unravel a bit when it comes to's hard for her...she was so sure he was one of them, but you can't blame her for thinking he did the time the guys left her in that room...on top of all the alcohol...she had just been through something very physically and emotionally painful that you can easily understand the sheer terror she felt as Kevin leaned over her to get the keys from his jacket, and understand how his face got mixed up with the others in her memory. Anyway, she's unraveling a bit because it's obviously hard...knowing how it will sound, how it might make her seem less credible if she admits she made a mistake and that kevin's lets not forget the dream she had where she told the truth and even her own lawyer Hank turned his back on her...then it's very clear to see how very unhappy he is at hearing her revelation as to Kevin's innocence.

    Dude it can't be easy to admit in the name of justice that one of 4 is innocent then to have to worry that because you've done that there's a chance that justice wont be served and that the 3 guilty men will go free.

    Oh that look and smile on Nora is priceless...she's happy for Kevin and thrilled because at that moment she thinks this revelation is going to lead her (Nora) to win the whole case.

  2. The looks from Kevin, Rachel, and Vicki are all amazing...they are all so very thankful and releaved.

    And, when they showed Powell, then Zach, then Todd...I believe I detected just a little smugness and self-assuredness as he believes (as Nora does) that they are going to win.

    Ah everyone did such an amazing job here! I mean we know it's just's not real but they did an awesome job of pulling us in and getting us so completely wrapped up in everything...making it feel real.

    QOTD Answer: I would LOVE to see this Kevin return!!!!

    P.S. I'd love to see Jason return somehow too.

    P.P.S. sorry ran out of room and had to split it. lol

  3. @Precious - yes! Jason Webb! However, I have to say that he may have trouble fitting into today's canvas at OLTL.

  4. @Kim...I good writer could fit him in since he was a good characer. But, they may have to find him first. lol

  5. @Precious - yeah where the heck is he?


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