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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Clip of the Day, Oct. 3, 2010

Another clip for you.....hope you're enjoying them, thanks to juju!!! Of course, my commentary is just for starters. Chime in.

Poor Marty and Rich Susan. Marty is a shell of a person during this, she's brittle, like bones....and Susan is flourishing underneath, propelling Marty to stardom in front of our eyes. Marty. She started out to be a pretty hateful character and ends up being a major player in so many stories for years after (just like Todd). The two of them, Roger and Susan, really are superlative actors at very young ages. The two of them, Todd and Marty, are definitely fated through OLTL history to constantly be in each other's lives. At one point, they almost shared a stepchild....but I should stay focused on the current videos, I digress.

Strong suit - Marty is breaking down, Kevin is too - you HAVE to love this part of the story. And if you are not feeling sympathy for her already, Marty really pulls on the heartstrings when she exonerates Kevin and he cries. Kevin is cleared, and everyone starts to see the case differently, almost immediately. By taking Kevin out of the mix, the citizens of Llanview start thinking, yeah, why not? Why couldn't these guys have done this? Kevin is SO CUTE when he accepts the judge's ruling. I miss that Kevin....why can't they find him and bring him back? "Oh you're breaking my ribs grandpa!" Todd is SMILING in the background.

The LOOK that HANK gives to Marty after court is adjourned....chilly in here! Wow. See, this is what is missing also. LOOKS can convey so much if an actor has talent. However, when they DON'T, words are constantly needed or plot devices. Half these actors (or more) could just convey a story with very few words at all. Suede tells her he's proud, she again responds with a LOOK.

Afterwards, Peter heads up a lively discussion against Marty. Todd's right into it, "who's going to buy the rest of her story?" Peter keeps showing himself, and at the same time, showing Todd. Again, one or two LOOKS between characters can say so much. He's a pure misogynist. Yikes. Marty's apology to Hank is really awesome too....ah the good old days.

FAIL: I never liked how they had the three defendants (not Kevin) lined up against the wall....seemed awkward.

No QOTD today! If you think of one, just let me know and I will post it for sure!

Sound off!


  1. Man, I almost don't even know where to start. I swear the performances then were top notch and among to topest top notch (lol i know that probably makes no sense) shining big and bright is SH and of course our boy RH but everyone in volved really did turn out amazing performances.

    **on a side note** I totally agree with you Kim...throughout the spring fling, aftermath, and trial SH really flourished...she was (still is though TPTB don't realize what they have in her) a very strong actress, very much real and believable...and posses an undeniable ability to make us understand and feel for her. All of that was made way clear throughout this storyline (and of course continued in future storylines), but...while it might not have always been as noticable to everyone...perhaps because prior to this we mostly saw the bad wild child ways...I think she was strong at her craft and good at what she did even before this...I know she was a wild child and she did a lot of bad things, but I could see the layers I could feel the lonelyness and the pain, insecurity, and lostness that usually drove her.

    anyway, I guess i'm getting off topic a bit, so lets got to the video (lol)...

    Judge Fitz: Miss Saybrooke, when you say it went on so long, to what are you referring?
    Marty: What they did to me...the rape...and I know I passed out, at least once...

    The look on Nora's face when Marty says can tell in that instant for that moment you can see she's starting to believe deeply she feels it or how strongly she feels it at that moment is up for debate...I think it's in the beginning stages here but it's present finally.

    Then as she continues as she says she's clear now and she knows who did what to her and that Kevin wasn't one of them...they show Vicki then Kevin and both of their looks are spot on!

    As she begins to struggles to continue you begin to see a bit of hurt in Vicki...she knows Kevin is innocent and she knew it all along, and now everyone knows, but she also knows that everything else is true and she's hurting for Marty.

    Then she continues and as she struggles an sort of unravels a bit more she states that she stands behind what she said bout the other 3 completely...we see Nora look toward the 3 guys then Kevin look to them....there's no denying the pain in her voice, the hurt and the pain in her eyes...they are perhaps just beginning to look at everything differently since she's taking Kevin out of the mix but they are truly starting to believe her and to think they are guilty....the questions may again arise, they may again begin to feel like the guys are innocent, but at this moment they are letting themselves feel the truth.

    ahhh so much happiness and smiles going around as all charges are dropped against Kevin. I love that and I love the part where Bo tells Nora "I knew you could get Kevin out of this mess"...originally Nora was hired by Vicki for Kevin and then she took the other's on as's almost as if Bo may have felt all along that Kevin was the only innocent party...then again it may have not been truly intended to be taken that way, but it certainly eludes to the possability that he could have felt that way.

    And yea...when Marty walks up and looks at Hank...he is very icy.

    Now I know Suede telling Marty he's proud of her for telling the truth...I know it may seem a bit hokey, but at the same time it's also kind of sweet and such attention to detail back then because I love the little bit of their theme playing!

    ok the interaction between Peter, Zach, and Todd is sick. lol They are all so sure of themselves...and Todd as he says "now who's gonna buy the rest of her story" is soo cool, calm, collected and smug...grr you want to hate him and part of you does but the other part can't help but be impressed by how good RH is and how as time goes on (later on) he shows so much and becomes so much deeper/darker/damaged.

  2. As you said Kim...Peter certainly shows himself as he's talking down to Nora and at the same time he's showing Todd and where Todd gets it and that there's little chance that Todd could think very highly of women if raised by someone like Peter.

    The apology from Marty was another great scene and Hank's speach was strong and icy at times, but it comes because he does care and because he does want to do right by his client and he knows how bad it will seem to the jury.

    as for the FAIL I kind of don't see it that way...I think it served it's purpose quite well...there's only enough room for one client to sit beside Nora and it makes sense that Kevin would be the one as she was originally hired for it gave them the ability to put the other 3 together yet slightly seperated from Kevin...and gave them the ability to do wide shots showing the 3 guilty parts in a single frame at times. lol

    **sorry ran over again lol**

  3. @Precious, don't ever apologize for going over on posts.....we need to get you to be a guest blogger again soon!

  4. @Kim...Thank you...I can't help it I never realize I'm talking (or typing lol) that much until I go to post my comment an the angry red box pops up and taunts me but saying..."b**** nobody wants to hear YOU talk THAT much, so we've created a comment limit especially for you...and you've gone over AGAIN" haha :) just kidding but yea the red pox pops and I'm like, did I really go over? lol but I did. haha

    anyway, thank you...I feel very honored to have been asked to guest blog again. :)

  5. @Precious, you're welcome, and deserve it. Thanks!


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