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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Clip of the Day, October 12, 2010

Another clip that Juju has kindly deposited on our world. LOL. Commentary follows!

Ah, Todd. Young and totally disgusting. Ah, Roger. How could you make us feel so many things in one or two minutes? No wonder he won an Emmy award for his work here. It just stupefies me that he did not win more over the years, with the precise, phenomenal and fantastic work he's done. Ok, that said, let's tear into the bastard.

He's so NASTY. Period. He's nastier than nasty. Todd attempts to make everything that happened normal, and put the blame on Marty. It's a wonder she doesn't stand up and shoot him. When she does stand up and scream that he's lying, his cold stare is almost enough to make you shut him off. BUT, you just can't. And there's Powell again, looking barfy. He should have brought paper bags with him. Hank does little to control her, and stand up and uses it to make a little statement....not that realistic. He should have been really reprimanding her there, it's a detriment to the court proceedings if she makes herself look imbalanced.

Todd continues, "flask like a teddy bear," "I've searched my heart about that Ms. Gannon," "I feel sorry for her, she needs help.....Marty, I forgive you." The reaction in the court is audible. He's totally gross here. "Think so? I was going for Henry Fonda." It's not just the lines, it's how he CARRIES them. The writing is, of course, superior to what we are dealing with now, but he just carries it off perfectly.

Nora watching them talk, another important piece of what is to come. Her expression....well, she's not so convinced that they are the choir boys anymore. Love the LOOKS people give back then. They spoke volumes. The encounter with Suede is just another time that Todd outshines everyone and this time, it's easy. Suede: I know this is not in your religion.... WHAT?

The Cross Exam promises to be good....! Hank is practically salivating. But Todd, whose whole life is lies, is perfectly comfortable with what he has to do. He's ICY - totally cold. I think if I were on the jury, I might actually be concerned with how calm and cool he is. We'll get to see how he maintains that or not next time.

Question of the Day: If you were on the jury, at this point in the trial, who would you have believed and why?

FAIL: HIS HAIR. As much as I love his long hair, everyone knows that, but I hate the way they had it sprayed back and then flipped up. Yikes. Not my fave appearance of the guy. But the face is still the same..... :D So handsome. I miss the scar, tho.

Sound off.

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