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Monday, October 11, 2010

Screen Mania Round 3

Ok starting now, there will be Screen Mania more like once per day.

This one will run until tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. From then on, they will be 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. etc. :D 12 hours per.

So, this one will be revealed at 6:00 a.m. EST on October 12....unless someone guesses it first. :D
The first one to post in the answer wins the round! I got a little carried away today because I was here all day and all weekend.

What scene is this from and who is he looking at?

ANSWER: he's at the hospital, looking at Blair, telling her that if she has a girl, it might not be so bad if she's like her mom. :D Moving to the next round! No winner this time!


  1. This is a rough one......I have no clue.....trying to figure out what that window is in the background.....that could be a clue! LOL I need sometime on this one!

  2. And you've got it because it is not over until 6:00 a.m. EST tomorrow. If that doesn't work, we can adjust the times again. :D

  3. Something in that face screams "dorian" face to me!!!!!!! LOL Im still working on that window in the back too......hhhhhmmmm

  4. Is this picture from Ju's channel?
    I have no clue, I am looking at his outfit for a clue and his hair length and his facial hair-lol Is that a china cabinet with a plate in the background?

  5. LOLOL yes it's from Juju's channel. No, that's not a plate. :D I love this, it's FUN.

  6. See I was looking at that background thing too.......I think it's a window, like on a double door of some sort. And the hair length is definitely pre dying in ireland!!!! LOL It looks like he has that Todd and Blair gold balloon era look!!!!! LMAO hhhhmmmmmm still thinking!

  7. I happened to be watching the channel now and catching up... I think the "plate" is really something like a speaker on the wall at the hospital. Right?

  8. I forgot to mention we can't use the vids to "cheat" but ... you may be onto something!

  9. Dont worry, Kim, I wasn't even trying to cheat, LOL I happened to see the plate on the vid I was watching for purely entertainment purposes.

  10. I have to say...that reminds me of KDP recently! LOL! YOU MAY HAVE TO CHEAT ON THIS ONE, it is REALLY HARD. Where are you in your "watching?" I just watched Gold Balloon Wedding and was crying as always. What a sap.

  11. @Rock, also check out the feedburner thing to get notification once a day of the goings on here.

  12. I'm on #691, I'm just a few behind

  13. 691, you are almost DONE. I am on my life 5th time watching over again. LOL. I am at the Gold Balloon Wedding first time, before Ireland. I was crying like a nut.

  14. Ok guys, have to announce this one....see above.

  15. Wow great work by Rock seeing that thing in the background was from the hospital!!!!! LOL So it was right before he went to Ireland.....thought that was the physical look he had about then!


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