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Search The Real Todd Manning

Monday, October 11, 2010


Can't help it. Home today, and gotta share these:
Does he realize what he does with his face and eyes?


  1. I know this scene.......oh this isn't screen mania!!!!!!!! LOL I don't think RH has a clue how good looking he is.....not in the least. And for some reason......he looks so much better with the dark longer hair and dark eyes and the goatee. On ATWT he was always lighter....blond, his eyes always looked lighter.....not that he didn't look good on there, but Todd had so much more depth to a character and in physical looks!

  2. No, juju, this is not screen mania. LOL. But isn't he just...amazing? I can't get over it and now that I know how to screencap I am like an addict. He looks the best with long, dark hair, goatee and those rich guy clothes....I even love him when he was goatee-less and had the blonde little highlights on the edge, and proposed to Rebecca. No one could be more beautiful than this man.

  3. I don't want RH to know he's beautiful. Men are always less sexy to me when they think of themselves as hot. :)

  4. @happyfaces - oh I don't want him to know he is, I just marvel that he DOESN'T! LOL

  5. @Bjuju, I didn't watch ATWT. I tried to a couple of times. And it didn't hit me until you mentioned it that his hair and eyes were darker as Todd. He is beautiful either way but more so when he has darker eyes and hair. And longer hair I will add.

  6. @Ellen, yes yes yes, long hair it is. Love this man!


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