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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Soap Opera Network Article

From SON

...And, if that wasn't enough to cast doubt on the reports that the beloved "OLTL" heroine was dead, consider the fact that none of her fellow cast members seemed surprised or suspicious when the actress recently returned to the set. In fact, according to Healy, "Dozens of stylish dresses and pantsuits marked 'Téa' remained in the wardrobe department." Which would seem odd for a character that is supposed to be dead.

Furthermore it should be noted that, while other media outlets were proclaiming that Téa was dead and Lozano was no longer a part of the cast, Soap Opera Network remained largely silent on the issue, which we regarded as irrelevant.

So, if Téa really isn't dead, then when can fans expect to see the character again? That remains to be seen, but we here at Soap Opera Network suspect that Téa's "return from the dead" will tie in with Roger Howarth's reappearance on the "One Life" canvas later this fall. All we can say is stay tuned.

"One Life to Live" airs Weekdays on ABC. Anytime on

Has anyone heard about a retraction from SON about Roger? The closest thing I've seen is a TWITTER TWIT that said SON will not retract and stands by their comment.

Read the rest at SON


  1. No there hasn't been any retraction from SON, in fact just the opposite.....when asked that said they stand by their story......and no denial by the RH camp. Love this article and I love that more and more people are assuming it's a done deal. I wouldn't get discouraged by the lack of news.......we never had a definite time frame so it could just be the networks and all closely involved are trying to keep it under wraps......which would be pretty fun it we could actually be a little bit surprised!!!!

  2. @Juju, if I were surprised, it would be great, except I don't watch! So, I'd miss it. You'd warn me that something's coming, right? I cannot believe how much I love this man right now.


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