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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Screen Mania, Series 4, Round 5

Again another shot of THE MAN.

Where is he and who is he with?
No cheats, beat tomorrow at 9:00 pm EST


  1. I KNOW this one.......but I want others involved so I will swallow my guess until tomorrow!!!!!! LOL Cmon Gem....where are you!!!!! LOL

  2. Being magnanimous are you? :D

  3. just trying to share the love!!!!! LOL This is an easy one....relatively speaking. Someone should get this......a couple of big clues in this shot.

  4. Rebecca @ the jail? I'm trying to figure out when he had that bandage on his hand..It's been so long since I watched these scenes of early Todd. I really should watch Ju's clips, I'd be a hell of a lot better at this...LOL

  5. Gem you are right, Rebecca at the jail!

    JUJU = 2
    GEM = 1

    Where are the rest of our Todettes?


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