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Search The Real Todd Manning

Monday, November 15, 2010

Flashback: Someone's opinion on Yahoo Answers

Question: Does anyone remember the original Todd on One Life to Live? (can you believe this question?)

Someone's answer:
Who could forget Roger Howarth? He was one of the best actors on TV, IMO. That man was raw passion. Only Roger could take such a despicable character like Todd and make you feel sorry for him.

Yes, he's Paul Ryan on ATWT, and yes, he was on Prey and Dawson's Creek.
He also was in an off Broadway production several years ago.

There are still so many people wishing he'd reprise his role as Todd Manning. Now that the original Marty is back, that would be incredible. Unfortunately I don't think he will come back...too many issues with his character. Roger felt uncomfortable with the redemption of Todd, and the direction the show was taking.

I wish TPTB at OLTL would agree to explore/write his character the way he wanted, and make him an offer he can't refuse. I would predict ratings through the roof.

Also, he had much more chemistry with Blair. Hey-he had much more chemistry with everyone!
Poor Trevor St. John-he's not awful, he's just not Roger. :(

2 years ago and still true today!

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