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Thursday, December 30, 2010

An interesting comparison - a must read

taken from Wikipedia, this comparison blog entry uses real words from the actors involved.


"In 1995, Howarth left the role for the first time. Significantly brought on by Todd's redemption storyline, he said he had no desire to portray a redeemed Todd. In the October 24, 1995 Soap Opera Digest issue, he stated:
In the beginning, the character of Todd was successful. I'll always be proud of this story, because it was the result of a real team effort. It was one of those spectacular times when the writer, producer, director, grips, engineers and actors were all on the same wavelength. Everybody was working toward a common goal. My task, at the time, was to show the humanity of someone who was basically inhuman. Todd wasn't one-dimensional, but he was definitely a serious psychopath. Todd was a serial rapist. He raped Carol Swift. Then, he raped Marty Saybrooke, and that rape was brutal, intense, violent and realistic. There were innuendos that he had raped other women before. He stalked Nora, he stalked and tried to rape Luna. [Then-Executive Producer] Linda Gottlieb told me with reasonable certainty that [One Life to Live] would not try to redeem Todd. So, I didn't think the character would change. Then about a year ago, it became clear to me that they were taking the character on a different path — they were redeeming him. In my mind, I'd been hired to play Todd Manning, a very realistic, serious psychopath. But now, the powers-that-be wanted me to play Todd Lord. And the story of Todd Lord is not realistic — it's a fairy tale. I thought, "It would be best for the show if I were to leave." That's when I tendered my resignation. Howarth went on to say Todd and Marty suddenly bonding did not make sense and that he could not, in good conscience, promote the story of Todd Lord, who had become a likeable character. "If the rape had been an unrealistic, soapy thing, then it wouldn't matter. But because it was so in-depth and so brutal, to show Todd and Marty having drinks together in Rodi's — to show Marty feeling safe and comfortable with Todd — is bizarre," he said. "People have come up to me and said, 'My 7-year-old loves you.' What do I say to that? I'm not going to tell them, 'Don't let your 7-year-old watch TV.' But I have to say, it's disturbing."

St. John:

Since Howarth had been against the idea of romantically pairing Todd and Marty when he was in the role and sensed attempts to follow through with the notion, viewers became conflicted about whether or not they believed the writers would now follow through with the storyline. St. John felt the need to apologize following comments he made at an August 2008 Fan Club Luncheon.

When asked about the controversial storyline, he replied, "I'm all for gang rape." He issued the following apology to
I regret the way I responded to the question about the upcoming Todd and Marty storyline. It was meant in jest and I should know better than to ever try and make a joke about such a serious subject. I intended no disrepect and apologize to anyone I offended."

Nelson Branco on "Tarty":

...I’m afraid, it’s too late. After witnessing Todd play tongue hockey with Marty, I felt betrayed, hurt, and disgusted as a viewer. This storyline no longer resonates nor engages me. As Emmy-winning soap scribe Tom Casiello noted recently in one of his blogs, had Marty kissed Todd, and not the other way around… oh, what am I talking about? In my eyes, it wouldn’t have made an iota of difference. Sadly, that single kiss erased 16 years of story and character motivation/back-story from my soap-viewing history. In that depressing yet shocking moment, I realized I had wasted almost two decades investing — and believing — in this epic story.

Wow, I am so glad I read this, with actual quotes from the people involved. Helps me gain a real perspective.



  1. Great post ......these two articles back to really is "in your face" where Todd Manning has gone and WHY he is non existent!!!!!!!!! This article is what we try and make those idiots on other boards understand. Todd Manning to RH was not a "gig".....he took him very seriously and put his heart and soul into him. He knew exactly what Todd was and what he should and shouldn't do.......compared to those making jokes about the character. Great post......thanks again!

    BTW.....that RH article always brings me back to why we got "goofy Todd" in the later years......the show kept trying to force Todd into a "cookie cutter" character that ran after a woman and had a family......made him all about a relationship and love....nothing more.....they took all the depth away. RH never did buy that with Todd......"goofy Todd" was definitely his rebellion and it is easy for me to see that he had given up putting his "heart and soul" into a character he knew the show wouldn't let exist anymore. That is my fear about his return......I don't think he will comeback unless the character is return to something resembling his early status or he is playing a "new" character.

  2. @Juju, sorry I missed you last evening, I am really pretty sick and could not make it to stay up the whole time. You, of course, make awesome points here. I just can't accept that Todd is gone! I guess that's part of what fuels me to want his return.

    However, when you read RH's words, you see two things. One is that he is a very intelligent man, which is not NECESSARILY NECESSARY for an actor, and I don't think it's always typical. The second is that he has a strong moral base or belief system, which probably is part of what makes him so likeable to colleagues and the world. He REALLY was into the character and CARED about what people took away from that story. I loved his comment about the child. Roger must be an amazing guy, I hope the best for him in all he does. I hope I will see it, but, if I don't, I still wish him well.


  3. OMG . . .I woke up this morning and read this and now I'm wide awake! I remember this interview with RH. I am so glad to read it again.

    I really wish I could copy this entire article and paste on SOC. During the Marty rapemance fiasco so many people tried justifying why Todd was with Marty, IT MADE NO SENSE. I eventually quit arguing and just refused to post in those threads. It was really hard for me to understand why so many who watched Todd from the begining like myself say things like "he's changed, and he loves Marty. He's always loved Marty..." WHAT? RH LEFT because he thought any type of interaction with Marty especially a romantic one was disgusting and totally out of character. Todd raped Marty. He couldn't forgive himself for it, he didn't want forgiveness for it. I remember being outraged, and insulted by the story. 16 years of story down the drain!! I couldn't even watch it, the only solace I had was that RH wasn't apart of it.

    If RH does agree to come back it's because story will be heavily re-written. The imposter story would have to be in the works.

  4. @Pink, ah yes, the Podvodnik story. Yes, that impostor thing would be the only way! I agree.

    I did watch the rapemance and it made me quit OLTL for good. I can't watch the current Todd AT ALL in any scene right now, and even moreso after reading more about the actor's stance on things. I tuned back in because of Susan Haskell's supposed arrival....and now....I regret having seen it.


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