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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Clip of the Day, Feb. 16, 2011

OMG...another FACE SHOT that I love at 1:08. Sigh. His look when she says that she fell in love with him!!! I LOVE his reaction to her! He's never expecting it and the next minute, his voice is cracking, he's losing it, and he's so very beautiful in his delivery! "Not once have I gotten this right, NOT ONCE! And I won't, Rebecca, I won't! It's hopeless!" And...breaks down. I mean, he had me at the motel when he asked her to put on the make up, but THIS threw me over the edge into the lion's den. Perfectly executed, we want him to be vulnerable so we can understand why we fell in love with him, too.

Of course, POWELL has to find the clue to her whereabouts! ARGH. GO AWAY! (as my little nephew would say.)

Then we're thrown back into the fire. "You said you loved me, what that a lie, too?" Let's see Rebecca get herself out of this one!

FAIL: This foursome is annoying me, and they annoyed me then. As of right now, I can't remember how/when Marty got involved, but she ends up involved in this also. None of them are law enforcement, the closest is Nora, and she doesn't stop them, knowing that this is a police matter? UGH! But wait, maybe they are right? The police just can't seem to do anything right these days. LOL!

Sound off!


  1. When Todd is at his most vunerable, you can't stop watching, He draws you in the same way Rebecca has been drawn in. This is a man so tied up in knots inside even he can't find a way to unravel them. He knows there is something inside that will hound him forever,he wants to reach out ,he wants to be loved, but he'll never be able to fully give himself to anyone. For a short time he takes the comfort Rebecca gives him, he so desperately needs it. But he's always on guard and in the end that flaw rears it's head and the trust withdraws.

  2. ToddManning93942/16/11, 6:53 PM

    I dunno...I think Todd's reaction after Rebecca told him she loved him was almost one of "knowing." I think he'd known this deep down for quite a while...but he was pessimistic about the ultimate outcome. When she tells him, he kind of feels like it's too late...almost an "it figures," kind of expression.

  3. Yes, knowing. Let's face it, he didn't pick Rebecca to help him escape because she was good in a crisis. He picked her because he recognized in her something he could use. He fed her naïveté and her need to save someone. He wanted her to fall for him to some degree because he could use that love and trust. Can't ever forget that this is the kid raised by Peter Manning. Todd is nothing if not a survivor.

    So, I think he new he had enough of her heart to manipulate it, but I think the idea that it could be anything more was a surprise to him. Or perhaps the surprise and fear was that he wanted it to be real. He wanted it to be more.

    I thought Rebecca hiding the gun was actually cute. She had a moment there where she had to make a choice and she chose not to run, BUT, she wanted to make sure Todd didn't do anything else they'd both regret.

    "We want him to be vulnerable so we can understand why we fell in love with him too." Yes. So true. Love this. And vulnerability is a quality sadly lacking in the current incarnation of Todd, which is why it's so hard these days to explain why you love Todd. You have to go back to this for it to make any kind of sense at all.

    Kind of really loved Bo here even though I wanted him to fail, fail, fail. This is just before he became the police commissioner, which I think was a good move for Bo. Powell, as usual, sucks.

  4. ToddManning93942/17/11, 1:15 AM

    I think Todd also was able to manipulate Rebecca because he assumed she was "just like all the rest," in some way. He had no regrets initially because of that...he was able to mistreat people because he lumped them all into the category of "fake" and "manipulative" and figured they deserved it.

    But as time went on and he realized Rebecca was _actually sincere_, he started to feel really guilty about what he was doing to her. In this way, she differed from every woman...PERSON...he'd ever met, which he, of course, actually stated.


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