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Thursday, February 17, 2011's Photos - Wall Photos - says the 48 hour rumor.

Another announcement about the 48 hour thing.


  1. OMFreakin'G. How is he so beautiful? Sometimes he absolutely defines breathtaking.

  2. i feel exactly the same way

  3. ToddManning93942/17/11, 10:51 PM

    I'm really curious to see how RH plays Todd when he comes back. It's going to have to be a little weird for him returning to playing the character he made legendary after 7 years of playing someone else. Maybe it'll just be like riding a bike, though.

  4. I really think A LOT is going to depend on the writing. Which is a little scary. But I'm trying to stay hopeful because I think OL has been really pretty good for a while now. Not perfect, for sure, but certainly quite watchable.

    I think what would be strange is finding out all of the things "you" did in the last 7-8 years. I was wondering just yesterday if, as an actor, you'd even want to know any of that. Would it change the way you react to another character or situation? I think it all depends on how Todd comes back.

    I really hope they go the imposter route and not the twin route.

  5. @diva... I agree. And that is my biggest fear. MY BIGGEST FEAR. I am terrified of how this would work, terrified that the writing will fall flat. I do not trust the current writers at all. Can they really pull it off?

  6. This is a great great point. I also think of this often. If ONLY they got Josh Griffith back!!!


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