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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Clip of the Day, March 13, 2011 (185)

We're getting the Garden Shed Kiss. YUM. I call this whole period from the Garden Shed to Zorro "the Masquerade" because Roger plays three different characters: Ali, the Genie; Ted Lampley; and Zorro. Too much fun for me, and we get to see him shirtless at the NY apartment! Whoo Hoo! Ok, back to the acting.

I love it! CJ is his accomplice! "Be Nice. I'm Nice." LOL!

If I were Rebecca in this scene, I wouldn't have wasted time fainting, I'd be all over him like white on rice. She faints. UGH. And then POWELL comes back. What a pain in the arse!

"I had a terrible dream." Poor Todd, he was....being nice.

"The nightmare is over." Not with you around, Powell.

Ok this has to be the saddest moment of the Ali saga, when it is snowing and he slides down the house onto the ground. I think we're supposed to feel bad for the convicted-rapist-killer-escapee here, and of course, it works. Roger can make you feel so many things in one moment. That's the whole point, I guess, of an Emmy-winner's work.

FAIL: It's so OBVIOUS, I have to keep saying it - POWELL and his goody-goody self. Ugh.

Sound off!


  1. ToddManning93943/14/11, 2:46 AM

    Can't blame him. Rebecca and his dream of being with her was all he had left. What you're seeing in the snow is a man who was only living for one thing seeing that one thing go up in smoke. It just sucked the life out of him.

    The fact that he's a convicted rapist kind of seems like a non-sequitur at this point, which I think was their intention. Part of what allows US to forget about it is that HE turns his attention elsewhere (i.e. toward Rebecca). Prior to Suede's death and going on the run with her, his entire focus had been on revenge for all those he convinced himself had "wronged him" before, during, and after the rape trial. Now that "Marty Marty Marty..." phase is over, we have been getting to see different objectives and, hence, different parts of his personality.

  2. Yes, and no. I do feel what you've said here about Rebecca and the snow scene is true. However, I don't feel that the Marty, Marty, Marty phase is EVER over for him. It haunts him through to Patrick's demise.

  3. ToddManning93943/14/11, 7:27 PM

    Well, by the "Marty Marty Marty" phase, I'm more referring to the "angry" (anger doesn't even come close to covering it) phase as it pertains to her. Obviously, what happened is always in the back of his mind, and any time he's around Marty, things are going to come to the forefront.


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