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Monday, March 7, 2011

Clip of the Day, March 7, 2011 (179)

Amazing how in-demand the "good" rapist is...two girls fighting over him? Please.

Powell's "I would never do anything to hurt you" line is one of those moments where you flash back and forward at the same time. It's the same line Todd was using when he was trying to get her to calm down while they were on the run...but it's also a line that Powell would disprove in the future.

"I'm not like them," says Sappy Poet...what is it with Powell and his trying to differentiate himself from anyone else who does something wrong? Course, when Nora, Kevin, and the prison trustee (forgot his name) are constantly giving him pats on the back, it probably boosts his ego. He went from pointing a gun at his head to seeing himself as some sort of saint in the span of a few months.

Rebecca being gullible once again in believing Emily. I think deep down maybe she wanted to believe her, as it would give her a good reason not to be with Pet Poodle and "remain faithful to Todd's memory." LOL...that's what I'm going to say, anyway.

Little Sarah delivers Todd the news he wants to hear, and he's delighted.
Rebecca goes back to reading Cyrano's (Powell the Pure's) poetry and says she wishes someone cared about her like that. Well Rebecca, someone does...he's out in the garden shed.

If only Todd had hurried up and come "back from the dead" before Rebecca figured out Pet Poodle was Cyrano. Alas, it was never going to be that simple. It takes the perfect anti-hero...someone like, oh, I combat a wimpy, sniveling poet. LOL.

Well, Rebecca's off to find the Poster Boy For Rape Rehab himself. We'll just have to grit our teeth and bear it for a bit.

Fail: Not enough Todd. Too much romance forced into the Rebecca/Powell thing.

The scene before the commercial and the beginning when they come back when Rebecca learns Powell is Cyrano is an example of something that slightly bothers me about the production with some of the "cliff hanger" scenes during this era; for whatever reason, they would use two different takes, and this often led to continuity errors. It doesn't really matter live, as you don't usually notice, but when you watch them back without the commercial and/or other storyline scenes in between, they stick out like a sore thumb. In this instance, we see Rebecca flipping through the pages and then quietly realizing it's Powell. When we get back from commercial break, we see she hadn't just "realized" it was Powell...she saw his name written on the cover of the notebook. Of course, her delivery isn't quite identical to what it was in the take shown before the break...and how could it be? Nobody is going to get two takes to sound exactly the same.

-TM9394 is a part-time worker and full-time Todd fan from Missouri.


  1. Another outstanding commentary! WOW!

  2. You're welcome. I noticed the lack of continuity crested by that practice also. ITS especially clear in the scene where he breaks down in Rebecca's arms - done completely differently


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