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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Flashback: Roger Howarth on Loving

From RgrHFan, a real blast from the past!

1 comment:

  1. I've watched some of this on You Tube before. I never saw it in real time although I actually did watch Loving when it first started.

    But I have to say it. Although Roger's performance--all the performances really--are fine, I absolutely shudder at the dialogue, the storylines, and the sets from this time period of Loving. This whole thing where Kent and the sorority bitca are "out to get Cooper" was just soooooooooo badly written and so dated. I have to think that getting cast as Frat Boy #1 after this must have seemed like heaven to RH. Even without a name his character on OL was worlds above Kent Winslow.

    It's weird. I don't remember Loving being this cheesy when I watched it. But I didn't watch it for very long, so maybe it was and that's why I stopped. Anyway, glad Roger got the heck out of that Dodge.

    (Sorry if I've offended any former Loving fans. Don't mean to rain on anyone's parade.)


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