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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Roger Howarth Returning to One Life to Live as Todd Manning?

Roger Howarth Returning to One Life to Live as Todd Manning?

Clip of the Day, 9/30/10

Carol Swift....oooh, shudder. Todd's really not happy about this! Marty will also be taking the stand Love her scenes. Commentary follows.

Carol Swift's testimony. Todd looks like he needs milk of magnesia during this part of the story. Perfect reaction by Rachel...I remember when watching this, it did not take long to figure out what Carol had to do with Todd before the testimony. He actually looks regretful a few times along the way....but it was pretty clear what Carol REALLY had to do with Todd, at least to me. "Take it easy, ok?" on the part of Zach, who I start seeing as the mastermind of playing the system, or attempting to. He tries to keep a lid on the emotionality of everyone throughout the rest of this story, even of Todd during the Statesville stint. Todd almost appears to be saying (with Roger's expressive eyes and face) that he cannot believe how Zach could stay quite so calm and encourage him to do the same after what Carol just laid on the court.

"All Rise." Todd sits. He's being singled out from the four of them. Of course, we know he's contemplating what past he has with Ms. Swift, but in a way, he's already being set apart from the other characters in these scenes.

Love it. Kevin makes a beeline for Todd and Rachel stops him. Kevin definitely knows something is up. I can see how the hatred developed between these two, but I preferred it coming from THIS KEVIN. :D And then, here goes Zach again, being the buffer between our boy and Carol. Todd's emotions are raw even then. He can't even make the decision to STAY AWAY FROM HER after she testifies. It would be in his best interest, but he can't help but say something to her anyway. Powell panics (as always - sorry but I cheered on "shut up you little wimp") Zach is trying to keep things in balance, figuring that if he can, they will get away with it.

Nora's cross examination of Carol is really good. It kind of makes her look self-interested and damages her credibility. "Not so Swift, are you, Miss Swift?" Gotta hand it to Nora, she was a pretty good attorney.

Todd loses it, the second that Marty talks. Wow. I had forgotten how FAST he got taken over by his emotions here - and by his guilt, no matter how deeply buried.

FAIL: Carol Swift. Although I do like the idea that someone heard and testified against the guys and that it leads to Todd's undoing in a way, I don't think I like how "miss perfect" she is. I think a little bit less of a goody goody to be someone Todd would be involved with....she just seemed too perfect and unrealistic as a character.

QUESTION of the DAY: Do you think Zach knew, during these scenes, about Todd's past with Carol? Sound off.

My View of Llanview: September 30 Edition - Soap Opera Network

My View of Llanview: September 30 Edition - Soap Opera Network

Some good, or should I say interesting, opinions regarding the resign of current writers.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ok, ok, I just cannot HELP IT . . .

Wrong time period, but....OMG, look at his beautiful expressive face. I could screencap this guy forever.
Roger...are you coming back or aren't you?

Today's screencap

Here he is, excrutiatingly YOUNG, shot from the trial. Sorry that the quality is not that great, but it will improve as time passes with the videos. Thanks Juju again.

Clip of the day, Sept. 29, 2010

Another clip for us - featuring Marty's dream...or at least one of them, she has many along the way. Commentary follows! Enjoy, thanks to Juju!

Marty's dream is so's realistic, and at the same time, over the top like dreams are. Peter Manning in her face, Zach looks evil, Viki turns her back. Another thing that OLTL always did well, was dream sequences. I always enjoyed them...there's one where Marty is in Todd's dream, several where Rebecca shows up, a couple of others with Andrew in them.....OLTL pulled out all the stops to show us what characters were feeling and doing. Just the best period in OLTL history - 1980 to's a long run, but it was top, quality soap all the way.

Carol Swift takes the stand, Todd looks like he's going to crap his pants. LOVE that expression, sort of smug and sick at the same time. Now we're getting somewhere....!

FAIL: Andrew is not in the dream. He should have been there, and so should Suede, as part of the group that turns their backs on her. That would have really made it more powerful.

Sound off - whatcha think?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SCREENCAP of the Day

I cannot help myself. JUST LOOK at him.

No News is GOOD NEWS?

The further we get from the hoopla back in August when it was announced that SON had the info that Roger was returning to OLTL, the more I am convinced something has to be to this rumor. It seems incomprehensible that . . .

  1. Roger's camp would not come out and totally deny these rumors, if not to tell his fans the truth, but to give him open opportunities for more work.
  2. SON would claim an EXCLUSIVE and just be lying and never discuss it again, except to say that it's true and they stand by it.
  3. OLTL would be stupid enough to not try and woo him back somehow.
Until HIS CAMP comes out and says he is not returning, I will hang on to the hope that he will return.

Flashbacks: Roger in the Press from RHFACTOR

Check out this great part of the RH Factor website:

There are a lot of great old tidbits here!

Clip of the Day, September 28, 2010

Good morning! Another day is here....bringing us one step closer to the next Todd episode and possibly, the return of Roger...? Anyway, commentary to follow!

Poor Rachel. Even Sheila is squirming in her seat during this one. It seems a little over the top for a caring father. It's the details like this, about a supporting character to the story, that really made OLTL what it was. The courtroom is a-bustle and Judge Fitz can't even get them to order at one point!! The other DA asks him to let her continue. I really believe that any "Dad" would accept....

And we get a little slice of Peter again. This is the stuff I LOVE. We're getting to slowly, and very slowly I might add, find out just what makes Todd tick through the actions of those around him and himself. "Kind of a kick watching him tear that Rachel apart." I don't think there's another person in the court who thinks that after watching her breakdown, and that's the beauty of OLTL's writing during these stories. Perfectly planned out.

Joey feels sorry for Todd, we're starting to also in our own, unsuspecting way. It's probably even unnoticed the initial time you're watching that the story is building in you loathing and pity at the same time. This is what makes it work, and what is missing from today's Todd stories. I can't pity the Todd we've got now, he's not even Todd, for one, but he's deadpan, too comedic, and not remorseful - he's extremely shallow and too content with the way he is. The Real Todd was never shallow, regardless of how mean and tortured he was at times.

I like Bo's expressions throughout Peter's comments during this trial. Also, Peter and Asa both attack Nora, Bo says "Will you shut up, both of ya?" LOL! Peter Manning seems so self-interested already. "This is trouble," and walks away, not even checking on his kid.

There's an expression on Todd's face around 5:03. Roger already has created a loathsome, detestable just have to LOVE him, there's no way around it.

Rachel's amazing, Hank is amazing, Nora is amazing, Marty is amazing. Just look at her, when she is starting to realize how wrong she is about Kevin, she seems almost physically sick. Susan Haskell deserved all the praise and attention she got during these stories, as did the other players. This is why OLTL was so loved. These characters were FULLY FLESHED OUT. Not a skeleton of someone past, not a robot going through daytime sexy scenes, they were fully fleshed out human characters that we just had to watch. And just look at how many stories and characters are intertwined in this one storyline.

Do you pick up the realization Nora has in this clip? She SEES that Rachel is right. She believes Rachel's assessment and knows that Kevin is totally innocent. I love that moment.

Peter's chat with "the boyz" and Todd's smug smile....argh. There is no way you can't pick up the nuances here of what kind of life Todd may have had. And after watching these clips, I want to sing "We've Only Just Begun" where Todd is concerned.

FAIL: Sorry, Hank, but I have to put the fail on you again. The tearing into Rachel by her own father was not really necessary. Of course, probably in the eyes of OLTL, it was awesome drama. But in real life, no, it just was not realistic.

SOUND OFF all....whaddya think??

Monday, September 27, 2010

Screencaps of the Day 9/27

Here's our fratboy as in the currently running COTDs:

And, coming soon - with "Dad" Peter:

Clip of the Day, Sept. 27, 2010

Ah, more videos....more to talk about! Gotta love technology. Thanks again to juju....time to see the next installment....and commentary follows.

Oooh boy, Rachel is getting beaten down here. Dad gives a recess. Marty realizes it is coming down to her testimony. Peter gives us another little glimpse into Todd again, "women, you can never trust them" and "so-called girlfriend." Love Bo's dirty looks.

Nora knows that Hank is going to really push Rachel to the edge....and he does. Rachel does not drink, she is like the only one in the whole college. LOL. Sorry, just a joke there to lighten the mood as poor Rachel has to admit things that make Kevin look really really bad. The struggle is so real when Rachel attempts to help protect Kevin. I think, as everyone else probably does, that the ultimate moment is when she says "Daddy" on the stand, she's near her breaking point....and knows she has to admit that she accused Kevin. These scenes are why I loved this Rachel so much. She did an awesome job of it!!!

FAIL: "Daddy" probably should have let the assistant do this dirty job. Not so nice. Made for some good drama and a good cry for Rachel, but still . . .

CANNOT WAIT FOR THREE THINGS. 1) When the story becomes all about the man. 2) When RH walks onto the screen again on OLTL. 3) When I can post a certain post at a certain place after he does!! It will be one of my famous lines and definitely reek of I TOLD YOU SO.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Feature - Facebook LIKE

I've put up Facebook LIKE buttons for all the posts and for the blog itself. If interested, you can now click a button to LIKE a post!

:D You can also LIKE the BLOG at right.

Enjoy guys.

Screencap of the Day 9/26

Ok here comes a screencap of the day feature. I figured why not?

Hope that you'll enjoy it.

During therapy with Ray at Statesville, post saving Marty and the kids.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

From S.O.C. Today . . .

My recent post:

RH is Todd, because he BIRTHED this character, and brought it to life, created a unique, original man that we can love so much and despise. He took us through a tumultuous ride that included hating him for all his nastiness and evil doings, to loving him for his pain and tortured soul. Roger was able to do that because of his talent. Of course, there are lots of talented actors out there, but Roger's portrayal of Todd was unique and unparalleled. Every nuance of every feeling was on his face, in his stance, in his body, in his eyes and transposed flawlessly to the screen. He was VULNERABLE in a way that helped us see past the evil and into the brutalized psyche to catch a glimpse of hope.

He was dark. Todd IS to be DARK. He was an abused person who became an abuser. What person who commits gang rape, then attempts to stalk his victim, attempt rape again, threaten and torment his ex-lawyer and do a host of other nasty things is NOT DARK???? That's not a light-hearted character, or a romantic leading man. He was meant to be dark. When you watch him, you are afraid to ever have had to MEET "Todd" in real life, but can't resist watching and loving him on screen.

Again, this is not the fault of anyone but TPTB. This role should have never been recast. Can you imagine Viki, Erika, Laura, Robert Scorpio or Luke being recast? Roger is in that realm. He created something no other soap had. He is a phenom. And that's very hard to redo. ABC is fortunate enough to have created some of the most culturally-permeating characters that ever came from soaps.

So, my choice is clearly RH....he's beyond explanation in this role. From his hateful start, his breaking down admitting guilt to Marty, his love with Blair and "rise to the top", to the infamous "belt scene," his relating his torture and abuse to Tea, his talks with Sam in the Cabana, his DID story (masterfully played), and his comedic edge (think later Todd, being Viki and her alters), RH is irreplaceable. Those who love OLTL would consider this possible return a way of just making the show better and enhancing the performances of the characters we already love.

Clip of the Day - Sept. 26, 2010

Today's clip includes Rachel's testimony and the rest of Emily's. Commentary follows below.

Nora rips Emily apart here. She completely falters when Nora sinks her teeth her little air head. LOL.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE when Marty first vocalizes that she made a mistake about something in the trial. I remember how I felt when she said it at she was questioning the whole thing, but knew, as far as soaps go, the big reveal is usually LESS POTENT than you think it is. And there is Peter Manning, in all his glory, laughing with Todd at Emily being "ripped apart" - "her testimony that is."

Kevin: What about Marty?
Todd: What about her? (SO SMUG - the beginnings of a multi-layered, fantastic character)

Rachel is a hostile witness. Poor thing. Loved this actress, have I mentioned that? Hank is really tough with her. Now the LOOK shared between Todd and Kevin during her testimony....priceless. That Todd made "advances" toward Rachel, Kevin's girl. Whooo! Todd's off to a bad start with Kevin from this day on. At one point, Todd almost looks disgusted to hear about himself from Rachel....and when she says he doesn't take no for an answer, I love the buzz in the courtroom and Todd's look. Peter Manning is seething during this. Of course, he created the man that is on trial, but we won't go there right now.

Of course, tune in tomorrow to see the remainder of her testimony and the fallout.

FAIL: Suede's SKINNY tie. Ugh. The expression on pre-Nathan Joey's face before Rachel is called (DUH). Hank, a father, scheming to break his daughter on the Not so great.

Question of the Day - what did you think of Kevin and Rachel's relationship?

GUEST BLOGGER - On "The Real Todd Manning" - by Precious Things

Here are my thoughts...

I look at things in a lot of different ways, but in my opinion RH is Todd, and this is why...

Now first I would like to say that I do think TSJ is a good actor...I don't want him to leave the show, and though I would like to see him become a different character when the Imposter Storyline (i'm hoping for this one) takes place (tsj's character would not lose his history of the past 7 years)...I also understand and respect that not everyone feels the same as I do.

Anyway, I think TSJ is a good actor and I think he is a big asset to OLTL. In no way am I trying to discredit him as an actor in what I'm about to say, so please don't take it the wrong way...

As an actor taking over a role that he did not originate, it's true that he shouldn't want to mimic or try to mimic the previous actor in any way because it won't feel or seem quite right, so in some ways I can understand why he didn't want to study up on RH's Todd videos...BUT...he should be able to study the character without trying to mimic RH...the reason I say this is because...while he IS a good actor and while he is doing a very nice job of playing this version of Todd, he's not playing the real Todd...

Todd was much deeper...he was very much damaged by his past (both with Marty and his childhood)...he was a tortured character who loved his family and was great with kids, and though he wanted love...he wasn't sure how or really able to truely accept it.

If you haven't seen RH as Todd in a long time or if you never have I would suggest going to the video site we all visit and look up some videos...if Todd had not been such a strong, integral character and part of the show then it might not matter as much, but the issue a lot of RH as Todd fans have is that TSJ...while he is a good actor and while it is important to make a character your own and all of that...there's one thing he didn't do...he didn't stay true to the character.

Precious Things posts regularly to her blog at Soap Opera Central. She is a screenplay writer and actress currently residing in Missouri, USA.

New way for me to post messages . . .

Now, when I can't see the blog, i.e. phone, I can still post here via email!  yay!
Here's my first post:
It may be a teeny pic but . . . *wink*

of course, it is from RH you can see in the Watermark.

Clip of the Day, Sept. 25, 2010

Hi all, time for another COTD. YAY. Cannot wait until we get to another part of this story....where we can really sink our teeth into some good Todd Talk. Commentary follows!

The first thing I really like about this episode is when Jason is telling his story, and Viki is "just a tad" upset about Kevin's attitude toward LeAnne and the baby. When she hears what Kevin did and how Jason handled it, she gets that "look" on her face. I love Erika in this role, this way, as this powerful matriarch, and later, tortured and abused person who is shattered. When I was younger, I used to make fun of her speech (LOL, at tol, etc) but now, I really appreciate her work. She's the only match for Roger's talent on OLTL.

Subtle. That is what OLTL was in some of it's glaring messages. Just subtle. Marty brushing tear away when Jason says how she gave of herself to help him. Viki's look, mentioned above, how Nora approaches the jury to make a point, Marty STARTING to doubt herself about Kevin, etc. Every single details was covered by the actors and by the writers every minute of the stories.

Emily Haynes. First off, this actress, Kellie Waymire, went on to do movies, (including a horror film called "Maniacts"), and died in 2003 of a heart condition. She was one year older than Roger. Anyway, her character has to be one of the most annoying of this storyline. She plays it well of course, but how it's written...I just want to slap her 4/5 of the time.

If Kevin is the head of the frat, why does everyone "do everything Todd tells them to?" Of course, we all know the answer to that!

FAIL: Emily's HAIR. Her style is more suitable for Viki or Renee.

Friday, September 24, 2010

OLTL's Kassie DePaiva's Facebook Status: "It's Good to be Blair!!! Love Both my Todds!" | Daytime Confidential

OLTL's Kassie DePaiva's Facebook Status: "It's Good to be Blair!!! Love Both my Todds!" | Daytime Confidential

OMG.....but it says Roger turned OLTL down. Not so great.

I think what bothers me most is that it says that he already turned down OLTL and they are just hoping to get him back and for him to change his mind. Argh.

Hmmm....what the internet spits out!


from Flashback 1994

Clip of the Day Sept. 24, 2010

Another clip - can't wait until they get even better! Thanks again to bjujubee! Commentary follows:

Well, Nora has NO TROUBLE breaking Suede up. I guess he wasn't the brightest bulb. But, the truth is he didn't believe Marty at first.

Jason Webb....hmm. Another long haired guy. OLTL was definitely going through a phase....but a lot of the later characters that had it were because Roger did - I am sure they got letters and letters about Roger's gorgeous hair throughout his stories. I didn't like Jason Webb at first, but I do now. For some reason, I always, even then, wanted Jason to become Marty's supporter and boyfriend. I thought that would be a great story and good chemistry.

"Nora, I can't wait to see you tear into this illiterate." Todd is SO NASTY. I just love what RH does with the simplest lines.

Obviously, there is a special signal between Bo and Nora here, and she repeats what that touch to his nose means "100% behind you, you'll do great, nothing to worry about." So cute. I did REALLY like their love affair until it kind of got wrecked in the later 90s....I enjoyed these two and they played off each other well.

"two loyal followers, Zach and Powell" - nothing could have been truer - at least at first. Jason just has a subtle heat here that I missed the first time around.

FAIL: Powell's corny faces when Jason says Marty fought him off.

Hmmm....question of the day: What's with that Peter Manning shot when Jason is talking about fighting off Powell in the bar with the bra thing? Hmm....sound off guys!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clip of the Day Sept. 23, 2010

Happy Autumn! It turned Fall last night at 11 something p.m. Wow. It's still too hot here for me. Anyway, onward and upward. Commentary below.... :D

I just can't like Andrew. Just can't. I am a little confused of how Nora is attempting to discolor Marty as a person, I thought that stuff was not allowed? The past of a rape victim? I LOVE when Nora tears into Andrew and gets him to admit that she never said she was raped, and that he suggested it. These court scenes are one reason why Soaps were so awesome then, and that they stink now. I mean, I am not currently watching OLTL, because I gave it up after the TSJ/Marty thing in recent times, but this kind of courtroom stuff never gets old. I loved this trial, and all of the other trials OLTL did, especially the one with Todd (DID), the custody one (1997) and the older ones, like Gabrielle Medina and the baby switch of the 80s and Karen's testimony in the 70s.

Nora was always a pretty good mom - concerned about Rachel getting ripped apart by Hank. I also like Rachel's belief in Kevin...and I love this pair of actors as these two. I wish neither was ever recast.

I really like the wide shots of the court when Hank or Nora are at work. I am referring to the shots where you can see the "boyz" in the background....and see each one of their reactions. During Suede's testimony, they show our boy. He's seething....and then, when he explains the times he saw Todd at Marty's house, Todd is looking at her and she's getting nervous.

FAIL: Could Suede be ANY WORSE? I don't get it. What was OLTL's fascination with "country" boys for Marty? I am at a loss. Then they go from the country stuff to . . . Irish. Hmm. Odd.

Clip of the Day Sept. 22, 2010

Another clip for us, thanks to bjujubee, and her hard work to create Todd's real story. Commentary below.

Kind of cute that the clip starts with Hank saying "underpants."

Anyway, Nora is a BRUTAL attorney. I love the whole thing from start to finish, especially when she starts to unravel. GREAT GREAT STORYTELLING! Where is this part of soaps? It causes you to wonder what RH would deal with if he DID return.

This judge is no-nonsense and very excellent. I love her whole demeanor. It is very realistic. I love "it's all in the game, counselor."

Kevin has it all figured out, you can see it on his face. I think this leads to more interesting stuff with Powell as Kevin tries to get him to fess it up.

I think I hear Todd yell out "OH NO WAY" in the background during Andrew's testimony. LOL. I played it over and I think it's a definite. Todd, shush!

Question of the Day: How would this story play out today?

FAIL: Andrew Carpenter. Now here's a doozy. I don't know, I always had trouble with his character. To me, he was a bit annoying and very condescending and self-righteous. He made a LOT of mistakes along the way.....I don't know...kind of a goody-goody taken too far. In these scenes, he is overly dramatic, and it really doesn't help the testimony at all. His poetic delivery doesn't help matters. Just my take.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

As promised . . .

Screencap from the trial. It's not good quality, I believe cable was JUST coming in when these clips came on (LOL.) Poor quality, but shows Todd's lack of posture....

With Zach at the rape trial.

If Looks Could Kill

Ok, so I lied. Here's another screencap of our the same "look" that I love.

He just said, "You have no idea how much I hate you." Oooh....Todd's beast (as my students would say.)

Just before the belt scene, after he tells Blair, "You have no idea how much I hate you."

One more of the hottest man ever . . .

After this, I promise to start trying to screencap Todd as he is in the clips we're watching and commenting on. This is my FAVE look of Todd so I can't get enough.

During the "Rise to the Top" story with Blair.

Site Cloud as a Reflection on the Todd Story

I was thinking today while looking at the Site Cloud, that evenutally, while we are posting about the Clips of the Day, etc, we'll start to see what characters really mean the most in Todd's life story. Here at the beginning, it's Marty, Kevin, Powell. But it will change and grow. It will be interesting to see who comes up to have the largest role in his life.

Just an FYI, I put a tag on each post. For the COTDs I put the names of characters who speak or have a major role in the scenes. Check it out at left.

Clip of the Day Sept. 21, 2010

First Day of Autumn....yay, I guess. See commentary for today's clip!

Ok. Sure you see it right away, Todd is SLOUCHING in his chair. Uh, hello? Doesn't someone tell him that his appearance is a bit off?? He's slumped down in the chair a bit and has a lax sort of expression. The others are sitting upright like they should be. Kevin rocks here with his simple mannerisms that display a lot.

Rachel is my favorite Rachel here. I loved this actress.

Hank and Nora are both great. This show rivals any of the courtroom dramas I've seen and it had our fave characters to boot.

Kevin is nervous, Powell looks shellshocked and Todd looks like he's watching TV. This ep does not have a great deal of Todd to comment on, but I will mention how he still is making his appearance matter with the way he even sits without speaking. Roger is the best, and if he ever comes by here and reads this...well...ROGER, GET BACK HERE!

OK sound off! Your turn!

FAIL: I would have liked to see Sheila be the one who also did Marty's rape kit. I would have preferred to see her testify on the stand. The two "experts" left a lot to be desired.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Which Storylines are You Interested In?

Which Storylines are You Interested In?

GUYS go and VOTE. It will be obvious what to choose when you get there.


During the "Rise to the Top" story with Blair.

My Own Screen Capture....YAY

During the "Rise to the Top" story with Blair. My fave look for Todd.

Be Still My Heart....again!

Why doesn't Marty ever remember the good thing Todd did to her? - Blogs -

Why doesn't Marty ever remember the good thing Todd did to her? - Blogs -

One of my better posts at SOC.

Clip of the Day (COTD) Sept. 20, 2010

Ah, now we're getting somewhere....! Court begins! Commentary below.

Love this has been full of excellent scenes over the years.

"Ok it's time for me to talk and you to listen."

"Whatever you say coach!" SMUG. The only word I can think of that really fits him right now. Our Todd is really in denial and....starting to show his colors more and more.

Todd always talks for everyone except Kevin. Love that. As soon as she asks something, Todd chimes in, the first to answer. I love Kevin's franticness. Powell is just a plain old wuss....never liked him, and can't like him now at all KNOWING the outcome.

"Don't get defensive" (Kevin's face) "or hostile." (Todd's face) LOL.

Todd mentions his father. "He's going to kill me...." and threatens to beat Powell to death. Powell knows it CAN happen as well.

I don't like this Sheila. Love the recast though. Love the courtroom relationship between Hank and Nora, and always have.

Look how everyone turns to look at Marty, and the camera moves in on Kevin's face. She's petrified, it's all over her expression. This is what is so important and effective about the stories then, small things mattered. Slight details were major ones and made the stories more real.

Oh dear, there is Suede. I can't say much about that one. At least Marty has someone to support her during this trial.

Peter Manning comes in, appearing too busy to care. He stops, and looks. Todd sees him and the first response is "Oh no." OMG TPTB knew what they were doing in a BIG WAY, even if by accident (LOL). The father signals Todd to move his hair back. Ok, now the answer I wanted all along. WHY have long hair??? Clearly, the father didn't approve, all the more reason to grow it longer and longer and never let go. GOTTA love the details. It also makes him completely DIFFERENT from Peter. Another small thing that can be made big with a little thought. "Didn't think he'd make it." Another insight into Peter and Todd's relationship.

Peter, the ultimate misogynist, shakes hands with Bo, and skips right over Viki. And then starts talking bad about Hank right off. "Affirmative Action tramp..." Right then, Viki realizes A LOT. You can see it on her face. And we start, even slightly, to also realize what our boy has been up against, though we haven't even touched the surface yet. Brilliant writing on the part of the staff at OLTL. Hope something like this rears its head when Mr. Howarth returns.

FAIL: Zach Rosen's parents. They're lifeless....both have bad hair, and also, sort of coddling...but, let's face it, we never get a CLUE as to why Zach does this and never sees remorse. Just because he's spoiled? I know there was a lot going on here with Powell, Kevin and Todd, but a little development on Zach would have been a support to the story.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

NEW! Write your RETURN!

Ok, we're all dying to do it. Yes, you are, don't deny it. You dream of writing your own return for Roger. Don't write an entire script, write an overview of YOUR DREAM PLOT for RH's RETURN.


Chime in! Click COMMENTS under this post. Have fun!

GUEST BLOGGER - On Roger's Work as TODD - posted by BJUJUBEE

Bjujubee writes:

This story is about RH becoming Todd. It is from Ty Treadway (Evil Dr Troy Macgiver!) When Ty Treadway was doing that show on soapnet called Soap Talk, some guest was on and I can't remember how he got to the topic but he brought up RH and his experience working with him on OL. Ty said that when Roger came to the studio he was normal Roger, talkative, laughing, smiling Roger. But then he would go in the dressing room and come out and he would literally be Todd Manning, this entirely different person and Roger was no where around! Ty Treadway said he had never seen an actor go through such a transformation like RH went through when he "became" Todd.

Pretty amazing how much effort the guy put into playing Todd and I think that is why RH would leave and take those breaks....being Todd probably took alot out of RH, because he did put so much into it. And it is so clear when you watch Todd, all his little quirks, the way he walks, the way he sits, the way he eats, talks, the nervousness, the raise of the eyebrow, the shit ass grin, all the little things that made Todd Todd......that isn't natural for RH. If you ever watch any of RH's work other than TOdd you know what I mean....Dawsons Creek, Paul on ATWT....those characters are RH playing a role. I would find myself watching Paul (ATWT) for 2 years just wanting to catch one of those "little Toddian" quirks pop out.......I think I saw maybe 3 times a raise eyebrow, but that was it!!!!!!! LOL Bottom line RH put his soul into playing TOdd and it showed and bless him for doing it!

Bjujubee has a channel on YT called The Real Todd Manning.

New Avatars!

For those interested, two new avatars are available featuring ZORRO and one with RODD.

See "Easter Eggs" tab.....

Clip of the Day, Sept. 19, 2010

Another clip is here!!! These early Frat Boy ones are not as fun to comment on, but bear with me, eventually we will be rolling through clip after clip with lots to discuss and analyze. Commentary follows.

As I wrote above, this clip, and some of the other early Frat Boy ones, are not as interesting to comment on, things were just getting going, I am not sure that Roger was anything more than Frat Boy at this point, in the eyes of TPTB.

The velvet voice of Roger @1:20 or so just makes him appear so sincere. However, follow that up with the taunting about "RAAACHHEEEEL" in the little sing songy voices of Zach and Todd, the eating of the pizza (extremely vehement concerning their lives are on the line and they've committed a terrible act against someone), and the laughing at Powell's compassion and you've got the makings of a villain. Of course, we get to see this villain come undone and be patched up for almost 9 years, over and over. There is a God and I thank Him!

"If you don't think what we did was wrong, then there is something wrong with you." Powell had it right on target. There was something very wrong with Todd, and also Zach, which they never explored really, and it made for the development of one of the most unique and strong characters even played on soaps.

The sweatband question by Nora, Todd just denies it and makes crude comments, Zach almost seems to have a conscience for like two minutes, Kevin is outraged (can this Kevin be any better? I liked him best). Todd's posture always interested me as well, he seems to loom over people but he's not always taller than they are by much. Of course, he's bigger than little Zach (LOL) but Powell, and even Nora, are not that far off height-wise. It's interesting how physically big he seems, and he's really NOT (like Asa for instance, who really is quite large in stature.) I guess it's all the bullying and the "alpha male" thing.

FAIL: Nora's purple suit. 80s carrying over to 90s. Todd in orange is not so good either, but since you can see the outline of his physique, I will let it go.

QUESTION of the DAY: I've often wondered what would have happened if TPTB did not choose to let us know for sure, up front, what happened with Marty, and have us take that reeling ride with Nora as we found out it was really true. It certainly would have put a different spin on it and made for interesting storytelling another way. My question is, then, what do YOU think? Would that way have been better? Or is the way it was written best?

Sound off, your comments are always welcome!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sigh, be still my heart . . .

OMG...this guy....sigh!

ATWT ends - another era closed .... and RH?

I encourage you to check this out:
Last Airing of ATWT Clip

Not only does it show Roger's last bit of work on the show, check out HIS HAIR. To me, it's appearing to possibly "grow out a bit?"

LOL. Cannot help myself.

Our favorite videos section

Hi all! Just a reminder that you can send me your fave video clips of Roger as Todd, and I can add them to the Our Favorite Videos section, with your name as the favoriter. :D If you go there now, you'll see a couple I have favorited. Just either give me the you tube url, or the part number if in bjujubee's clips.


Clip of the Day, Sept. 18, 2010

Today's clip....thanks to bjujubee! Commentary follows, as always!

Kevin gives Nora a look that says, to me, don't defend these guys along with me. I might be interpreting that wrong, but if I were Kevin, I would have definitely not wanted my lawyer to defend the other two....Powell, of course, is a cousin, a big, fat excuse that leads to his eventual "redemption" and then downfall. Yay.

"Let me explain the facts of life to you, Velour, Velvet...what's your name?" Roger's delivery on his lines is always noteworthy. As for Todd, he just knows TOO MUCH ALREADY about how to avoid trouble with the cops....Powell throws the sweatband.....LOL. Todd's the brains in this bunch, I'll tell ya.

"I never strong-armed a woman into sleeping with me, I never had to." Even though he's despicable in this story, he'd never have to strong arm me to do anything, especially when we get out of the Frat Boy era! I even love jailbird Todd. I love ALL of the Todd's but my least fave is probably Frat Boy.

When Powell makes that final lie to Kevin about the rape, I love how they show Todd behind him, and the slight reaction on his face shows a lot. Roger's got that amazing talent to convey so much with his face and eyes, sometimes not even needing words.

FAIL: The police in this scene always made me angry....! "We're leaving now, we will be back, don't touch anything." They leave a crime scene totally unsealed???....ugh. So ridiculous. ARGH. "You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions...." Huh? That kind of stuff defies suspension of belief. And Suede defies suspension of belief in the acting area; hard to believe he is one. UGH and DOUBLE UGH.

Whaddya think?? Sound off, we're waiting for your thoughts and comments!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Return News

"One Life To Live, ABC — Are two Todds better than one?
• Maybe the rumours are true! Soap Opera Network maintains that Emmy winner Roger Howarth will be returning to One Rapist Too Many. This past week, a source close to Roger Howarth agrees, telling Suds Report that the Emmy winner “is definitely coming back. Not sure when or how but he’s coming back as far as I know.” I have no insider intel, so I have no idea what to believe. Especially after Soap Opera Digest columnist Carolyn Hinsey recently posted on Facebook that two ex-World Turns stars are joining ABC — one is a recast for AMC and the other is a new character for One Life."

This from TV Guide

Based on Rumors and Speculation...What I'd Like To See On One Life To Live - Blogs -

Based on Rumors and Speculation...What I'd Like To See On One Life To Live - Blogs -

Another post at SOC's blog by Precious Things.

Though We Say Goodbye To ATWT...We Shall Hang Tight To Our Soaps - Blogs -

Though We Say Goodbye To ATWT...We Shall Hang Tight To Our Soaps - Blogs -

Posted at SOC by our friend, Precious Things!

In Honor of our Roger Obsession . . .REPOST

I am REPOSTING THIS. I am offering regular posters/blog followers an avatar...! Be sure to specify your name!!! I will be working on that ZORRO issue this weekend.

Click one to request one (will be very similar to these):

I can also make something like this, it's animated and scrolls through 7 faces of Todd with The Real Todd Manning across the top, and your name at bottom:

If interested, click it. It may not be exactly like this - you can even specify the faces you want... to view it in action, click HERE.

Clip of the Day 9/17/10

Here's today's clip! Thanks again to Bjujubee and her wonderful clips! Commentary below.

Today what struck me most here is Roger's VOICE. I think I'd know it anywhere. Even though he's speaking rough, and at times, he speaks improper grammar, (as a college boy might, like "ain't" and puts some words together in imaginary contractions) it's smooth and very clear, perfect diction and at times, a soothing sound. His inflection is amazing, and every nuance (my fave phrase) of emotion, etc is in the sound of his silken voice.

Also, his stage presence seems lightyears ahead of some of the players in this story. As much as I think that the actor that plays Zach is funny later on, during these scenes, Roger is the stand-out, almost misplaced at times. However, KG (Kevin) is VERY GOOD HERE. My favorite line is "Why can't you just speak to us at the same time?" LOL. Todd! Also, "We didn't hit her. We didn't hurt her..." He has no clue what he's actually done. This is so part of his screwed up psyche. And...."spotless records??" I thought Todd tried to kill Peter Manning? Perhaps because he was only 14, Sam got his record wiped....that must be the deal.

FAIL: Me, trying to imagine this Kevin, growing up to be the Kevin that was part of the Georgie Phillips murder story. Uh....OLTL?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Old Poll Shows the Truth

From an old poll I came across, 91% of viewers DID NOT WANT TODD RECAST when Roger left OLTL.

Poll Results

This is what I think the real problem is. Todd was a role that should not have ever been recast. It was a pair of white gym sneakers (with white socks) that are impossible to fill.

Clip of the Day 9/16/10

Here's another of Bjujubee's edits. I personally thank her for her hard work! Commentary below!

Another of the initial Todd vids and in this one, I have little to really say about my man. Kevin also is quite good here, my fave Kevin, and the relationship between Viki and Kevin is quite interesting also - she's so devoted to him. As a side note, I always thought the story of Viki hating Kevin due to brainwash was a bit...well...washy. Anyhow, I love how Kevin attempts to thwart Powell's lies at the dinner party.

Why is it I never liked Powell, at all? He just was such a pansy....I never liked anything about him. It almost seems at this point, he was still intended to be the redeemed, stick-around character. Ugh, what a joke. He's so much more interesting and effective as a meanie/nutcase. From what I hear, Sean M. was wasted in the KAD Regurgitation.

Todd....eats again. In the jail cell, Todd "goes off" and he shows his colors - that anger is rising up. He's simply already giving it his all again and hooking us. He talks for Powell, he's cocky toward Hank...etc. I've often wondered just when they decided Roger was a keeper. And, on one of my fave topics, his "alters," it's so obvious Pete is running the show if anyone.

FAIL: Todd's hair here. This is the stage of his hair that I don't like. It seems they sprayed it back on the sides a bit...yuckie. LOVE when it gets long and hangs down and he gets the goatee....yummy! Even when he's straggly and messy, I just seem to adore him more. And of course, I also love the scar. More on that in the future.

So, sound off ... WHADDYA THINK? See you all later, another late day, I'll be here around 8 or 9!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We Love Soaps: FLASHBACK: Roger Howarth 1994

We Love Soaps: FLASHBACK: Roger Howarth 1994: "HOWARTH ISN'T OUT TO BE MR. NICE GUY By Marla Hart Chicago Tribune July 7, 1994 The shadowy figures are fading fast from the soap opera"

A "throwback" article about Roger...from 1994. A good read.

We Love Soaps: Rumor Alert: Is Roger Howarth Coming Back To ONE L...

We Love Soaps: Rumor Alert: Is Roger Howarth Coming Back To ONE L...: "The rumors about Roger Howarth's alleged return to ONE LIFE TO LIVE are circulating fast and furious.  Is he coming back? Is he really Todd?..."

Another rumor page...!

Hmm....even Yahoo Answers???

Someone actually posted "Is Roger Howarth returning to OLTL" on Yahoo Answers! LOL!

Take a peek below if you like:

Yahoo Answers?

Clip of the Day - 9/15/10

Now we're getting somewhere....! See my commentary below!

Ok, in remembering watching this storyline live, this is where I knew OLTL was onto something with Mr. Howarth.

First, no one can deny Susan's terror is completely convincing and deeply real. She is SO talented. Roger, is so devastatingly menacing and evil here, you can totally see WHY he gets the role he gets....and he's VERY YOUNG here. The stage presence is overwhelming. His draw was undeniable, and they probably never even thought it could happen.

As for Todd, it's almost like he doesn't realize what he actually did and is gloating in that fact. We get a window into his "Pete" self bigtime here.. He's creepy enough to scare me a little here! When he's touching her toward the end of his visit, I get repulsed along with her. He whistles his way out of the house....OMG, just so excellent and so telling. Clearly, at least for me, no one can do what he just did in her own home and leave that way unless they are a deeply hurt and sick individual. And that's what Roger wanted us to see.

The joking around at the Frat House is more menacing stuff, again, what's Zach's motivation for doing all this - was he also feeling he "had to" impress Todd? It doesn't seem enough of a reason for him. Powell begins his "poor me" act here, we're supposed to feel pity for him. For some reason, I never did. Even as bad as he felt, I never felt sorry for him because to me, he was just as guilty, if not more, than the other two. He KNEW what he was doing was wrong, and did nothing to stop it or save her. He's on his way to a way-too-early redemption. Ugh.

When Todd suggests they go and see Marty, I remember being totally convinced that something was very wrong with him. Which is exactly what was most likely intended, and if not, it sure came in handy later. Who knew I'd come to love this sick sweetheart later on?

FAIL: Sorry, guys, Suede is RIDICULOUS, acting and denim jacket. I just can't believe they chose this actor for this story! Ok, you SOUND OFF. What do you think???

P.S. I have a very long, crappola day today and I am hoping to come home to tons of posts!!! :D Have a good one!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clip of the Day 9/14/10

Number 2 in Bjujubee's Todd Manning Story! It will be slow going at first with our commenting, but sooner or later, we'll have a LOT to be talking about! Join in! See my commentary below.

First off, my commentary has to begin with mentioning cute Jessica, my favorite Jessica, by the way....and how adorable she was and how much fun it was to watch her partially grow up.

I love Roger's delivery when he tells Powell to act different around his family....and then he does his FIRST BOUT of EATING and TALKING, the thing he is so good at. I think this kind of stuff helped develop him as a natural character. Sometimes I wonder if he ad libbed or put the ideas to eat, etc, in himself.

When he meets Andrew - it's so apparent how different the two actors are....especially in age. I think in later stories, TPTB made them seem sort of like peers, but here, it's clear that Andrew is an older character than Todd, and also wiser.

The thing that is most obvious I think is that for me, Todd's reason for raping Marty and Powell's, are very clear. You an tell already why Todd is who he is, and as for Powell, you can see how he was weak and pressured....the thing that never made sense to me was Zach's reason. Really. It never panned out as sensible, since he was a pre-med student, with good grades and without any explanation at the time or even after of why he participated.

If he was not killed off in the recent KAD fiasco, he would make a good returnee for OLTL to accompany Roger, if Roger does return. Somehow, unless they already have, the writers should tie up Zach's part and his whys and hows.

FAIL: Todd's table manners are too nice in the opening scene!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Clip of the Day 9/13/10

Time to get started! Here's the first in Bjujubee's story of Todd Manning. Comment on your favorite moments in this clip, Roger's Work, the storyline, wishes for the future, etc! This one is WAY BACK when he was FRAT BOY!!

Happy Birthday, Roger!

Roger was born on Sept. 13, 1968.

In honor of this, I am offering regular posters/blog followers an avatar...! Be sure to specify your name.

Click one to request one (will be very similar to these):

I can also make something like this, it's animated and scrolls through 7 faces of Todd with The Real Todd Manning across the top, and your name at bottom:

If interested, click it. It may not be exactly like this - you can even specify the faces you want... to view it in action, click HERE.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Roger AND Free Avatars for us!!!

Roger's Birthday is Sept. I am offering a free, customized avatar for fans/posters of "The Real Todd Manning" Blog!! YAY!

They can look like these, colors can be different, his face can also be a different shot:

Or they can be animated (changing faces of Roger) with your name!

TOMORROW, the actual birthday, I'll have this set up so that you can "click and order" your avatar. All you need to do is be a registered poster here at "The Real Todd Manning Blog..." and being a "follower" (see right) is even better!!

Hope to see you around through our journey to ... that possible return????

Friday, September 10, 2010

Roger's Possible Return

Could One Life to Live be planning a soap scenario similar to the John Black/Roman Brady one on Days of our Lives with the character of Todd Manning? For those not familiar with that story, when Wayne Northrop left Days of our Lives, he was recast with Drake Hogestyn a little while later. But when Northrop wanted to return to the role in the 90s, the Days team was left with a problem, since Hogestyn had become one of the most popular actors on the show. Instead of letting him go, it was revealed that the person believed to have been Roman the last few years was in fact John Black, a mercenary brain-washed to think he was Roman. Some speculate a similar situation could be about to occur on One Life to Live, as the current portrayer of Todd Manning, Trevor St. John, has become very popular with the fans of the show.

Roger Howarth Return Rumors
The speculation about Howarth returning to the show ignited when Soap Opera Network announced that it had exclusively heard that Howarth would be returning to One Life to Live in the near future. It also said that Howarth would likely be back on the show by January 2011. Soap Opera Digest columnist Carolyn Hinsey, on the other hand, has stated that Howarth would not be returning to the show.

Howarth Back as Todd?
A return to the role of Todd Manning could work. When Trevor St. John first came on the show, he was seemingly playing a different character than Todd Manning. Unlike many soap recasts where an actor is substituted for another and no explanation given to the change of appearance, it was eventually revealed that Todd had had plastic surgery. A similar story was used with Roman/John on Days of our Lives to explain the new actor. If this was reversed, and it was revealed the person the audience believed was Todd was really an imposter, it would allow both popular actors to stay on the show. A picture of Howarth's Todd was recently shown on the show, and one character, Téa, said the current Todd wasn't really him, leading many to speculate wheels are already in motion for an imposter storyline.

Read more at Suite101: Roger Howarth Returning to One Life to Live as Todd Manning?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Statistics from S. O. C.

The Hot List: What's being talked about on

Top soap sections
1. Young and the Restless
2. General Hospital
3. All My Children
4. One Life to Live
5. Days of our Lives

Most-talked about actors
1. Roger Howarth
2. Hunter Tylo
3. Deidre Hall
4. Mary Beth Evans
5. Brandon Buddy

Most-discussed characters
1. Todd Manning
2. David Hayward
3. E.J. DiMera
4. Chance Chancellor
5. Reid Oliver

Results for the week ending September 3, 2010

Please notice that Roger is number one on the "talked about actors" list.

Monday, September 6, 2010

More News on Roger


The Roger Howarth rumors continue: Is he headed back to One Life?

Photo Credit: JPI Studios
For the last few weeks, and over the last few days, a return to One Life to Live, by the original Todd Manning, Roger Howarth have picked up steam. First, there was the episode on the ABC Daytime series, where a confused Tea, pulled out a picture of Howarth as Todd and was insistent that Trevor. St. John (the current Todd Manning) was an imposter. Then came a report from Soap Opera Network just a few days ago that declared through their setside source that Howarth was indeed returning to the series sometime towards the end of this year, or the beginning of 2011. Then, last night, noted soap columnist Carolyn Hinsey on her facebook page made this statement: “Seriously, stop with the Howarth misinformation here please. He is not coming back to OLTL. Case closed.”

In the SON item their source stated, “You thought the tease a couple weeks back with Tea proclaiming this isn’t Todd as she pointed to a picture of Roger Howarth was not the start of something bigger? Think again.” On-Air On-Soaps did speak to a rep from the series who does not comment on speculative rumors associated with the series, as they are just rumors.

So does a Howarth return make sense? Well, in part yes, since Howarth’s run at As the World Turns had ended, and he is in New York City, where One Life now remains the sole ABC series. But, how would the writers play out this storyline with the plastic surgeries, the Walker Laurence issue, etc? Would Howarth play somebody new? The real Todd, the real Walker? Or, is this all just one more rumor in the the soap world that never materializes into anything ? And with Trevor St. John, one of the most heralded actors of the daytime genre, would it be wise to displace all the credibility of the character, that he has made into his own over time? I guess, we will all just have to make our guesses, and see what comes down the pike over the next few months. For fans, it simply also comes down to a case of who do you believe.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why am I crying? Todd Scene to "Cry" For

Wellp, it has to do with this scene here:

I never get over this scene. Ever. In watching Jujubee's Todd Manning uploads at her You Tube channel, The Real Todd Manning, I just came upon this scene AGAIN. First off, and of course this is totally secondary, could Roger be more beautiful in this scene? The shining, soft, long hair, goatee, expressive eyes, awesome physique? He's the ultimate bad boy.

Every time I watch this, the nuances of what Roger does just shout at me. For some reason, watching this tonight (for the umpteenth time), I had to literally STOP to get myself together.

As for Todd, it's like something totally changed in him. How this actor makes this happen is bewildering, but you're almost looking at a different character completely in these scenes. As a viewer, you can see why RH gets the attention he gets, and why Todd is a character that stirs up so much emotion and conflict among older and newer viewers. I've never seen ANYTHING like this in soaps since Tony Geary and Erika Slezak. And I am a long-time viewer.

So what made me fall to pieces? Specifically, how Roger delivers his lines; how the writers have managed to intertwine so much in these short scenes; how TODD has finally found himself a bit and found remorse; how Marty (Susan Haskell) feels "freed" by what he says; how the emotion between the two is totally overwhelming. want these two together as a couple - it's easy for even the newest viewer to see why that is unacceptable to so many people, including some of the actors. However, to see them play scenes off each other is a gift.

As I said, I will NEVER get over this scene, and each time I watch it, I am guaranteed an emotional response. Roger's acting NEVER GETS OLD. He's about 27 or 28 in these scenes - what a gifted performer.

As for my analysis of Todd here, I think this harkened back to his own abuse and started him to seeing that...."the pit, the hole" that he had to look into...etc. That is where I think that all began.

What about you?? Sound off with your take on it.